Chapter 128 - Emma

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I shivered as the coldness of the room settled against my skin. My nipples were stiff and pointy, partly because of the chill but also because of the strong arousal coursing through my body.

"Don't worry, Gorgeous. You'll be warmed up soon enough," Mateo said from my right side, leaning in to talk into my ear in a low, husky voice.

I didn't mind the tiny bite of cold, though. It was refreshing and made my body more sensitive than it already was. Even the slight movement of Mateo brushing up against me sent a delicious tingle across my skin.

"Prepare yourself, Sweetheart. We won't go easy on you this time," Callan informed me with a dark tone that made me shiver for a whole other reason than the temperature.

This time? When had they ever gone easy on me? Maybe in their own mind, they had.

Callan—I think—wound a hand around my stomach, pressing me against him. They were all fully clothed, but the clothes didn't hinder me from feeling just how much this—me, naked and tied up—affected him. His erect cock pressed against my lower back, and I unconsciously pushed myself back against him, wanting to feel more of him. They'd teased me in the kitchen, and while I wasn't ready for the punishment, I was desperately aroused.

He leaned in and licked a trail from my shoulder and up the side of my neck. I sighed at the pleasant tickle sensation and yelped as he bit my earlobe. "Are you wet for us, Bella?" he murmured. His question brought my attention to my drenched pussy, already swollen from our earlier escapades.

"Yes, Sir," I admitted. There was no embarrassment found as I answered him. I was slowly starting to embrace my own sexuality and owning it, and it felt good to do so.

His hand on my stomach trailed upwards, stroking my flesh. His fingers circled just on the outside of my areola, making my nipple stiffer as my areola knotted together. The soft touch of his fingers lulled me into a false sense of calmness, and my head slowly tipped back and rested against his chest as he played with my skin. Neither of them commented on my change of pose, which told me they didn't care for me to maintain it any longer—not that I could do more than move my head either way.

My eyes closed automatically, allowing me to feel everything more acutely. I could feel the eyes of the three men on me like a fantom touch. I could feel Callan's hand tickling me as he caressed me soothingly. I could feel the cool air surrounding us and how my body's temperature rose with each minute.

Every sensation was heightened without my sight, like my other senses overcompensated because of the loss of another. I wondered how it would feel to not only be unable to see but also lose the ability to hear. If I felt everything so strongly with one of my senses gone, how would it be with another one taken away? I hoped I would experience that at one point in time.

"Such a beautiful submissive," Mateo purred, most definitely taking in the sight of me relaxing against his best friend's touch. How was it like for the guys to share a woman with not one but two friends? Did it turn them on to watch? Did they feel jealous that it's not theirs's hands on me or theirs's cock inside me?

I gasped when Callan's hand on my breast grew rougher as he grasped it in his hand and started massaging it.

"You have the most perfect tits," Callan said, holding one almost possessively as if he owned that part of me—and he did. Not just him, though, but all of them. They owned my body in a way no one else could. It showed in the way I reacted to their touch; like theirs were meant to be on me.

"I agree," Mateo groaned from my side.

Callan squeezed my breast in a way that I knew made the flesh jut out, almost like an offering, and someone took him up on it. The feel of a mouth on my nipple had me moaning as they build up my arousal, making me needier by the second. I opened my eyes to see Callan's hand holding my breast while Mateo suckled on the tip, almost like he was feeding on me. Something about the sight had my pussy squeeze with the thought of what it would be like if I actually was...feeding him, I meant. It should've been a gross thought, but I was too far gone to feel anything but desire.

My body shuddered as I felt Callan's other hand gliding down between my legs, stroking my neatly trimmed mound before moving to where I needed him the most.

My clit was swollen with need, and I moaned at the slightest touch. He teased me with his barely-there touch, knowing it wouldn't take much to get me to orgasm. My body had been gearing up for it for quite some time now. It felt like I'd been standing on the edge of a cliff for too long, and all I needed was a little push—just one small nudge—to get me off.

A keening sound escaped me as I balanced on the edge, and Callan chuckled behind me, his chest rumbling with humor at my desperation.

Not content with being only a spectator any longer, Gideon slid his own hand down the back of my left leg. In a move I hadn't anticipated, he grabbed ahold of the back of my knee and lifted my leg in the air, baring my pussy for his friend's hand.

I moaned as the cold air met my wetness gathered down there. While I wasn't embarrassed anymore, I did feel a bit of shyness at being opened up like this with my three dominants. I'd been even more exposed that night in Desire's Den, with all the strangers watching, but there was an intimacy here with the guys that I hadn't experienced then. The air around us was charged in a way it hadn't been with others present.

Callan continued to rub my clit carefully—teasingly, and all I could do was take it, even as he knew I wanted more, so much more.

My eyes teared up with the desperation I felt, and I knew this was only the beginning of the night. After all, they did plan on breaking my record for multiple orgasms. Now, they were just teasing me only because they could.

With a last hard suckle from Mateo, he left my nipple and moved to stand in front of me and gave me a sly smile before kneeling on the floor—his head directly by my sex.

I watched as he took in my sex and the juices running down my legs. He looked up; his eyes sparkled with mischief and desire. "Your pussy is dripping for us, begging for us to use it. Do you want that, Gorgeous? Do you want us to give your cunt what it craves?" His voice was unnaturally gruff, and I damn near panted at the sound of his own desire seeping into his words.

"Yes," I almost sobbed in answer. "I want that, Sir. Please." My body was so high strung I didn't care about the promised pleasure that would soon feel like torment.

"What do you say, guys? Should we show her who's in charge of this pussy?" He cupped my sex as he asked, pressing Callan's fingers against my clit as he did. The added pressure on my nub had me pressing against their collective touch on instinct.

"Well...we did promise her punishment, and I say we give it to her," Callan voiced his opinion with darkness to his otherwise soft voice.

"And don't think this won't be a punishment, Baby girl, because it will be...soon enough," Gideon whispered harshly.

Holy fuck. I knew Gideon spoke the truth. No matter how much I wished for it now...soon enough my nerves would be shot; just one slight touch from either of them would be too much, and they'd still force me to accept it.

Let's just hope I survived the night because some part of me was terrified of the strong sensations I'd be forced to feel.

Yes, Sirs (Book 1 of Desire's Den)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang