Chapter 110 - Gideon

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The evening was still young, which was good, seeing as I had a lot planned for her. But since I wasn't at my club, which was where I should've been right now, I had a couple of stuff to take care of first. Luckily, these were things I could do remotely. I didn't need to be at work to get them done.

"I'll be back in an hour or so." I didn't say anything else as I grabbed my dinner plate and rose from my chair.

Emma rose with me and held out her hand. "Go do what you got to do. I'll clean up." She didn't even wait as she grabbed hold of my plate and moved to the sink.

The way she was making herself at home was...oddly satisfying. The house had been so empty for so long, and while I needed my space, I didn't mind sharing it with her.

My office was in my father's style. And just like every room in the house, I hadn't bothered renovating it. No, bothered was the wrong word, more like didn't want to renovate it. This place held a lot of shitty memories, but I wasn't one to run away from them. There was no way I could run either, even if I'd tried.

Some things were impossible to escape. Memories and experiences molded you—the shadows of the past slithered into your soul and shaped it into its own image. There was no changing a soul once it had been shaped. At least, that was what I'd always believed. I thought mine would stay black from years of...crap. I thought it would remain bruised and damaged, and it still were all of those things. But, the lightness I'd felt in Emma's presence, could it be that it too could help remold my soul if given enough time?

Shaking my head at my absurdity, I sat down in my office chair and booted up the computer. I had a couple of documents to go through before I let my body—and mind—get what it wanted.

The suspense was almost the best thing about BDSM, both for the dominant and the submissive. The waiting, knowing something exciting was about to happen. I'd decided we should continue her training, and this time, I would focus on her body's reaction. There was a list of things I wanted her to do, all by one simple command. Of course, it wouldn't happen overnight, but we all had to start somewhere.

After finishing up my work, I grabbed my notebook and went through today's plan. Being a dominant—and especially being a master—planning was an essential part of any training. For now, I had a few things I wanted to train out of her, one of them being her hesitation. Sure, she'd come a long way already, but I wanted it completely gone. When we were through, she would follow our orders without a second thought.

Another thing I wanted to fix was her embarrassment. Purposely humiliating her was one thing but being embarrassed by what should be natural wasn't something I would allow. Emma needed to learn to embrace herself. Only then would she achieve a feeling of inner peace.

Before I went to find her, I made sure the playroom was ready for us. I laid the paddle I'd used on her last time on a table, within reach of where we would be—just in case I had need for it. The room had been aired out recently and I'd also changed the sheets. No-one but me were allowed into this room. Satisfied that everything was as it should be, I closed the door behind me. I swung by my bedroom quickly and brushed my teeth before moving on to search for our girl.

My house was massive, and it took some time before I found Emma. I should've probably given her a house tour, so she knew where everything was. But, it seemed she didn't have a problem moving around in what I considered a labyrinth.

I located her in what I considered the homiest living room. There was a huge sprawling couch which Emma currently took place in. A ray of sunlight streamed in through the window and made her creamy skin glow seductively.

A flatscreen took up most of the wall opposite the couch, and a part of me was irritated when I saw her watching Netflix, thinking she'd put on the series we'd watched together at Callan's. For some reason, I'd hoped we'd watch it as a group. When I looked closely at the screen, though, it wasn't The Witcher playing, but another show I hadn't seen before. I didn't want to admit how pleased I was that she hadn't started our show without us.

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