Chapter 72 - Emma

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Kevin was already at the café when I got there, cleaning the tables. The sight of my friend made coming to work too early in the morning fun. I wondered how he would manage without me when I started school again. It meant he would be stuck with Oliver, and I knew what a lazy son of a bitch that guy was. Not just lazy, but overall a bad human being; too mean and too egoistical for any of us to actually like him. I felt terrible for Kevin, like I was abandoning him.

We'd worked together for two years, but somehow, we'd been able to work more or less the same shifts. He graduated recently, and now he wouldn't be prioritized for the evening shifts like us who still went to school.

Agnes was excellent at managing the café. She made sure that college students had work and income by giving us shifts that best suited our schedule. As I mentioned before, I respected the hell out of that woman. Still, that also meant I wouldn't work as much with Kevin anymore, and that sucked so badly my stomach hurt. Not working with him also meant I wouldn't see him that often like I'd grown used to over these two years because work and school would keep me busy, and he also had a life outside of work.

"Ahh, my kinky girl has finally graced me with her presence!" Kevin shouted the second he saw me.

Laughing, I shook my head. "You're the worst."

"But you love me," he stated and stuck out his tongue at me.

"But I love you," I repeated with a slight laugh as I walked past him and opened the door to the small break room next to the supply closet. We didn't have a fancy locker with our names on, just simple hooks to hang our jackets and stuff. In the summer, I only used it for my bag.

"So, what did you think of Thomas?" Kevin asked eagerly as soon as I joined him with cleaning supplies in hand. I could tell my opinion meant a lot to him.

"He made a great first impression," I answered honestly. "He seems like a sweet guy."

Kevin sighed dreamily, "He really is." He got this faraway look, and I knew he was thinking about that boyfriend of his, a smile resting on his lips. Was that how it looked like being in love, or at the least, heavily smitten? It felt like I was on the outside looking in because I had no idea what the signs were. I definitely didn't know what that felt like...liking a person so much, you'd want to spend all your time with them and only them.

I knew I thought about the guys more than a lot, but it was completely different. While Kevin could space out with hearts in his eyes, I had only lust. I absolutely liked my dominants, and we had a sexual attraction that held no bounds, but I wasn't falling for them. I couldn't.

"It was pretty fun yesterday, right? Thomas liked you too, and David couldn't stop talking about how great you were...what?" he trailed off, seeing the slight frown I had as he mentioned David.

"Nothing, it was pretty fun," I agreed, taking the mop and started swiping over the floors.

"No, that wasn't it. Did David do something to you?" Kevin asked, knowing me just as well as I knew myself. He could read my expressions like a book.

"Not really." Sighing, I knew he wouldn't back off until I told him what bothered me. "I guess I just felt like something was off about him," I admitted, hating to make a big deal out of something that probably wasn't one.

"Off how?" He left the rag in his bucket of water and chemicals and gave me all his attention.

"I don't know." I shrugged, but Kevin was a stubborn son of a bitch and had me telling him everything I told Callan yesterday.

Kevin narrowed his eyes as I talked about the weird-ass conversations I'd had with David. "Yeah, I agree, that's creepy as hell. I'll talk to Thomas about it. We won't hang out with him again if he's making you uncomfortable. Truth be told, I don't want him near you after hearing that."

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