Chapter 94 - Emma

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Gideon drove us to Callan's place, which I guessed was where we would be tonight. It would've made more sense if we were at Gideon's, seeing as he had the most space. Though, Callan's place wasn't small by any means.

I was jittery throughout the entire car ride, my mind running crazy with thoughts of how this night could go. Three men and little ol' me. Three big, strong dominants and one single submissive. It was bound to be a night I wouldn't forget any time soon.

He parked in Callan's garage and had a keycard for the elevators. We stayed silent on the ride up; the only sounds were the elevator and my rapidly beating heart.

The doors opened to a lit entry, and Gideon directed me down the hall, through the living room, and to the kitchen. Both Callan and Mateo sat at the kitchen table, the food on their plates completely untouched. At the sound of our footsteps, they turned towards us, and their eyes drank me in like I was something they hadn't seen in a lifetime. The attention made me blush, and I knew there was more blushing to be expected later on.

"There you are. We figured you guys would be hungry," Mateo said brightly. He was dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt that hugged his form, showcasing his broad shoulders and narrow waist. He had dark circles under his eyes, either from being awake at this time, or he hadn't been sleeping well lately.

My heart squeezed as I took him in and saw how exhausted he looked. I was worried about him; he shouldn't be here right now. He should be asleep.

I remembered the phone call Callan had with Mateo and how Mateo had to reschedule our group night. I wondered if the shadows under his eyes were because of whatever reason he wasn't available yesterday.

"We ordered pizza. Mateo told me how you liked the one at Carlos's," Callan informed, bringing my attention to him. He wore his usual white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I might have drooled while looking at his forearms—they were so veiny.

"Thank you. I'm starving," I said, beyond happy to get some food. I was sure I would need every bit of energy for later tonight...or was it morning? I found it crazy that the guys were awake at all, or maybe not so much Callan and Gideon. They both worked late hours.

Making my way to the kitchen sink, I washed my hands thoroughly with soap and dried them on a paper towel. Gideon washed his after I was done.

Mateo patted the chair next to his, and I smiled as I made my way over. Gideon took the seat opposite me, with Callan to his right.

I inhaled the smell of glorious margarita pizza. Someone had already served me a couple of slices. Yummy.

"How was work?" Mateo asked us before taking a bite of his pizza. His jaw clenched as he chewed. Damn, even looking tired, he was still ridiculously handsome.

"Good," I answered and looked at Gideon, letting him fill in on us working together. He didn't. Instead, he started eating as if he hadn't been asked a question—correction, two questions if the one in my eyes counted.

Huh, maybe he would talk to them about it later.

We talked casually throughout our late dinner and enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere in the room. Mateo's hand found my thigh as he asked me about my night with Gideon. I'd stammered through the conversation, feeling hungry eyes on me from the guys and the hand on my thigh started to burn with the desire swirling inside me.

The mood turned lustful, making the temperature in the room soar. Callan rose from his chair, his gaze focused on me.

"Follow me," was all he said as he walked out of the kitchen and down the hall. I didn't hesitate as I trailed behind him. Mateo and Gideon stayed put.

Yes, Sirs (Book 1 of Desire's Den)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin