Chapter 90 - Emma

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So... not Kevin, but my mom. Gideon had been talking to my mom. I was too shocked to grab the phone he offered me as I stared blankly at him.

When he waved the hand holding the phone, I snapped out of it. I accepted the phone and answered, but not before I gave Gideon a look that told him just how pissed I was. He only smirked that wicked half-smile again.

"Mom?" I said hesitantly, knowing there would be lots of questions from her, and honestly, I really didn't know how I would answer them.

"Honey, why haven't you told me you've gotten a boyfriend?" Mom's voice was just as warm as always, though there was a certain curiosity in it now.

"Boyfriend?" I squeaked, sending Gideon a look of confusion, but he made no moves to answer.

"Yes, he introduced himself to me. Is that why I haven't heard from you in a while?" She sounded fucking thrilled as if grandbabies would start popping out of my vagina at a moment's notice. Mom wouldn't care that I was only twenty-two and hadn't yet finished college. Dad, on the other hand, would definitely care. Those two were the polar opposite, but somehow, that made them perfect for each other.

"It's all pretty new. We're just getting to know each other," I told her, which was only half a lie. While Gideon wasn't my boyfriend, he was my dominant—they were both relationships of different kinds. She just didn't need to know that.

"When are we going to meet him?" She was probably jumping at the prospect of me seeing someone. I'd never dated before, which she was well aware of.

"Mom," I sighed, not ready to handle this conversation right after I'd woken up. We were close, and I hated having to lie to her, even if it was for her benefit as well as mine. She really didn't need to know what her daughter liked in bed. That would scar the both of us.

"We're taking it slow, and it's way too soon to meet each other's families." Hell, I didn't even know if Gideon had any family.

"Okay, that's fine. We'll wait until you're ready. How did you guys meet?" And then the interrogation had started. Gideon really had to do me like this.

"Hang on," I said. I moved back to the bedroom, partly to give Gideon peace and quiet and partly to keep our conversation private. I closed the door before I sat down on the bed, all the while wondering how I would tell her about him.

"We met at a... club. I was talking to a friend of his before Gideon joined us." That, at least, was true; I just withheld some parts of the night—okay, a lot of parts.

"Tell me about him, what's he like? Does he treat you well?" My mother's heart was the biggest there ever was, always worrying about me and wanted to know that I was alright. I knew they'd been trying for years to have me, and when I was ready to move from home, it had been hard for them to see me off.

"He's..." Yeah, what was he? Gideon was so hard to figure out, and I struggled to put what he was into words. "He's assertive and doesn't talk that much. He makes me feel safe like nothing can hurt me when I'm with him." At least, no one but him—and his friends. But he never crossed any lines yesterday, always giving me what I could handle and no more. "And... I feel like I can trust him with all that I am if that makes sense?"

"That makes perfect sense. I'm happy for you. You know a mother always worries, but it seems like he takes care of you." I could practically hear her smile through the phone.

"Yes, he does." My mind took me back to yesterday when he stroked my hair until I almost fell asleep. What happened afterward...I didn't think he meant to hurt me by leaving, not with the rugged look he had going on this morning. I guessed I'd just gotten used to how Mateo and Callan were with me, that I forgot how different Gideon was compared to them.

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