Book 2 of Desire's Den - Information

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Will the book follow Emma's and the guys' story?
Yes! I'm not ready to say goodbye to them just yet.

When will you start posting the sequel
Unfortunately, there will be a long break before I start posting the sequel. Writing Yes, Sirs while upholding the daily updates was much harder than I thought it would be. I felt overworked even after the breaks I had, and I blame only myself for that, but I see now that I can't do the same with the sequel. So, to answer the question, it'll take several months because I want to finish writing the book before I start posting it. That way, I can take care of myself when the need arises and won't push myself to do more than I can handle. But I assure you, there will definitely be a book 2 to the series! After all, I can't leave you guys hanging on a cliffhanger ;)

Will there be new characters in the sequel?
Yes. Emma's life is ever-evolving. I won't give out any spoilers, so I hope you'll settle for this answer.

Do you have the book planned, or do you write it as you go along?
The major events in the book are pre-planned, but I leave the rest open, so it flows naturally.

What will the updating schedule look like in the second book?
Given that I will be finished with the book before I start posting, I'll keep the daily updates, but I'll also be able to surprise you guys with double updates.

How many books will there be in this series?
I always planned on making a sequel, but I'll have to wait and see how the next book ends before answering this question. I have a fixed idea on how this book will end, but I'll still keep the option of making this a trilogy open for now.

What will the name of the sequel be?
I'll keep that a secret for now. I don't want to spoil too much just yet <3

Will the sequel be published on Wattpad?
That is definitely the plan. If that changes, I'll be sure to let you know!

Will you have other writing projects after this series is completed?
Yes, absolutely! I already have many ideas for what to write when I'm finished with Desire's Den.

To avoid spoilers, there were a few questions I chose not to answer. Hope you understand <3

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