Chapter 120 - Emma

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I hadn't realized the boat had been moving until it stopped, and Callan gestured for me to follow him outside. I'd been too busy snuggling up to one of my men to notice anything but him.

Cheesy, I know, but it was the truth. They all took up all my attention when I was with either of them, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The bow of the yacht was decked out with a round table set for two people. When we got closer, I saw red rose petals strewn beautifully on the white tablecloth. A bottle of what looked to be red wine was placed off to the side, with a spread of crackers, cheese, grapes and salami.

With the view of New York City in the background, it was ridiculously perfect for my first ever date.

"Do you like it?" Callan asked while pulling out a chair for me.

"Are you kidding me? This is..." I trailed off, trying to find the words. "I love it," I finally answered. "But you didn't have to do all this, you know. I would've been totally fine eating a burger at MacDonald's." I could've been in any place and still love it because I was with him. I hoped he knew that.

Callan smiled at me, noticeably relieved with my answer. "I know. I just wanted to do something special." He opened the wine bottle and poured it to us both.

Looking at the rose petals, I picked one up. "Who put these here?" They would've blown away with the wind when we were driving, so they had to have been put here when we stopped.

"The chef set the table for us. I would've done it myself, but I wanted it to be a surprise."

Damn...this man was blowing my mind right now with his sweet gestures. I hadn't known him to be this romantic, but I loved seeing this side of him.

I almost didn't want to grab anything from the cheese plate, just because it looked so beautiful and I didn't want to ruin the arrangement, but it also looked too yummy not to eat.

Using a knife, I spread some cheese on a cracker and popped it into my mouth, and damn, it was just as good as it looked. My father would've loved this, he was a cheese addict.

"This is amazing," I gushed, reaching for the cheese plate for a second helping.

"I'm glad you like it, but don't eat until you're full, I want you to have some space for dinner."

"But, I thought we had dinner earlier?"

He chuckled. "I'd never feed you a mere salad for dinner. That was just so you wouldn't go hungry until our date."

This man...he really did think of everything.

A slight breeze was playing with my hair, and I brushed a strand from my lips. Aside from the gentle waves, it was utterly silent. Having lived in the city for so long, the silence was never truly silent; There was always some type of noise in the background.

Being here, away from it all, was like heaven. It was peaceful.

"Hang on, I'll be right back." Callan rose from his chair all of the sudden and disappeared inside. While he was gone, I grabbed another cracker. Three of these wouldn't make me full, but any more and it just might.

He came back a minute later with a wool blanket and draped it over me. I hadn't noticed I was cold until he covered me up.

"I would've given you my jacket, but this'll warm you up better," he said and kissed my forehead before retreating back to his chair.

"Thank you." I smiled at him; my eyes filled with emotion at his thoughtfulness.

The water danced beneath us in the moonlight, and the sky was cloudless. I stared up at the sky, looking at the stars I hadn't seen clearly for two years. The city usually obscured the stars with its nightly lights. A smile tugged at my lips as I located my favorite constellation.

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