Chapter 117 - Emma

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For ninety minutes, every ache and worry fell away. My muscled loosened beneath the skillful touch of a professional, and my mind calmed down from its usual storm enough for me to see things more clearly.

These men—my dominants—were everything I could've dreamed of. They took care of me in a way no-one had ever done before and made me feel like I was special, that I didn't need to be anyone but myself.

We'd hadn't talked again about us finding someone else, and I didn't know if that was still expected of us. They were supposed to help me find a dominant but also try to find their own slave. For two weeks, it hadn't been mentioned again. Maybe it was because we were still at the beginning of our arrangement, and they wanted us to get settled into our arrangement first. Back when we made that deal, it had been easy to agree, but now that I knew them—now that I knew what it was like to be with them, I didn't want to give that up.

Nobody could compare to my dominants, and I didn't want to have anyone else to compare them to, either. The thought of being with someone else made me nauseous, and I just hoped they felt the same at the thought of them being with another woman that wasn't me.

Two weeks...Had it really been that little? Time with them made the days go fast and slow. My mind couldn't comprehend that twenty-four hours with either of them could feel like a beautiful lifetime but still be over in a blink of an eye.

It felt like I'd known them for months; it truly did. Being with them felt natural, as if they were meant to be in my life. Even with Kevin, our friendship hadn't been an automatic thing. We'd tightened our bond through the two years we'd know each other. But with the guys, the bond was almost in place at the first hello.

That had to mean something, right?

When the appointment with Chen was over, I struggled to get up from the table. My whole body felt like jelly; I'd never been this relaxed before. She gave me privacy to get dressed, and only then did I notice a plush bathrobe hanging on the door. It wasn't in any of the men's sizes, so I figured it was for me to wear.

Callan was talking to the masseuse as I got out. I could hear how happy the old woman was, and with one look at the hefty stack of bills in her hand, I could guess why.

I thanked Chen profusely. Not only had she been entirely professional, but she'd done a fantastic job too.

The man from earlier went into the room I'd just come out of and started gathering up their stuff. Callan took one look at me in the bathrobe and back at the guy before sending me to our bedroom.

Shaking my head amusingly, I went. One night, he could let me do a public scene wearing only a corset, and the next, he could react to me wearing a huge robe in the presence of another man. Strange.

My body was slick with massage oil, and I could really use a shower to wash it all off. Taking off the robe, I went to turn on the shower, adjusting the temperature to my liking. This time, I was prepared for the rain-like water coming from the ceiling.

A cold gust of air danced across my skin as the bathroom door opened, but I didn't turn around or try to cover myself up. Instead, I reached my hand under the spray and felt the water. Just shy of hot. Perfect.

Still not turning around, I stepped inside the shower. With self-conscious movements, I started washing my body, all the while achingly aware of the man behind me watching.

My skin prickled with the awareness, and I could literally feel his eyes on my body, taking in every inch of me.

Taking the shampoo bottle, I poured a dash on my palm and massaged it into my roots. Only when I was done did I finally turn around.

He rubbed the corner of his mouth with his thumb as his gaze devoured me, trailing down my body as I let the water wash away the shampoo.

"See something you like?" I breathed, trying to embody those tough, confident women in the books I've read but probably failed miserably. I was neither tough nor confident, but I was getting there, which was the main thing.

Smirking, he said huskily, "Oh, Sweetheart, you have no idea." With words like that to bolster me, I only grew bolder.

"Are you going to join me?" My stomach clenched at the thought of all the fun things that could happen if he did.

"Unfortunately, as much as I would've loved that, you're tired, and you need your rest. I don't want to wear you out before our date tonight." He turned around and walked out the door, but not before looking over his shoulder and taking in my naked body one last time. "Get some sleep if you'd like. We're leaving in two hours."

Did he just say date? I gawked at the closing door, frozen on the outside while inside I was buzzing with excitement. The previous thoughts of shower sex flew out the window in shock at his statement.

Don't read too much into it. It could've just been a figure of speech, I reminded myself, but God...I hoped it wasn't.

With the revelation that I wanted something more with them, I was overthinking everything they said and did to me, hoping it could provide me answers as to how they truly felt about me—about us. I couldn't simply ask them, oh no, that would've been too easy, and as stated earlier, I wasn't that kind of tough, though I wished I was.

Callan had said we would leave in two hours, which gave me plenty of time if I wanted a nap. And now that he'd suggested it, I could feel my eyelids growing heavy. How in the world could he read my body better than I could? He must be some kind of body language analyst or something.

Rinsing out the conditioner I had absently applied while lost in thought, I stepped out of the shower. Towels were folded on the sink, which hadn't been there before Callan had arrived. Just that one sweet gesture made me swoon, and lately, I'd been doing that a lot.

The towels were warm as if they'd been heated beforehand. This was the kind of spoiling I could one hundred percent get behind without having to feel bad.

After I was dry enough, I braided the still damp hair and hoped it would make cute curls before jumping in bed. I only realized after getting under the covers that I hadn't put on any underwear, but the soft embrace of the blankets was too hard to leave, so I decided against finding a pair of panties.

For the last couple of weeks, I'd gotten used to sleeping naked. Callan apparently did it all the time, and I could certainly see the appeal. It didn't hurt to have easy access either; two mornings with Mateo proved that to be quite sufficient.

My thoughts grew fuzzy as I fell asleep; the last thought I had was what it would be like to go on a date with Callan—an actual date.

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