Chapter 20 - Emma

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Mateo. His name stayed on my mind through the rest of the night and at work the next day. Though it wasn't just his name I thought of. I wondered if he had a submissive, but then... if he did, would he have acted the way he did towards me? I certainly hope not.

I'd decided I would attend Desiree's Den tonight as well, getting my member's worth. DD was open every day, except Sundays, from five pm to three am.

At my lunch hour, I called my doctor to get an appointment to take an STD test. I already had one, but it was several months old, and even though I hadn't had any sex since then, the club needed a recent result. It was their policy, so no one spread any diseases, which were completely understandable and made me feel even more secure knowing that I wouldn't get sick playing with anyone there.

God, I really was planning on playing with someone. The thought was half exciting and half nerve-wracking. But it wouldn't happen tonight. I wasn't ready for that yet even if I could. How did I even find a dom to play with? There was still so much I didn't know about the world of kink. Reading informational books on it wasn't the same as doing it in real life, and there were still lots I didn't know—but I couldn't wait to learn.

"So, tell me, how did it go last night?" Kevin ambled towards where I was sitting behind the counter. We hadn't had a chance to talk until now, an hour before closing time. I'd ended up opening alone after he overslept, and it had been busy ever since.

"It went great," I answered as I wiped down the countertop.

"Seriously, is that all I'm going to get? It went great?" Kevin said in protest. "I'm literally dying to know. Can't you see the blood leaking from my mouth? I'll bleed out if you don't elaborate."

Laughing, I shook my head at his dramatics. He'd been like that ever since I met him. It was one of his many adoring qualities. "There's not much I can tell you."

"Why not?" He looked at me with both confusion and disappointment.

"I had to sign a confidential agreement. I can't speak of what happens inside of the club or the club's members," I explained and hoped he would understand. It wasn't like it was so abnormal of me to not talk about my sex life anyway—even though I didn't have sex yesterday, but still. I rarely talked about my sex life, and maybe that was why it was uncomfortable to suddenly do so. I hadn't been sexually active for months, so there was never anything for me to share. It wasn't like I informed my friends about my countless nights spent with BOB—battery-operated boyfriend—either. And that was the only sex I had for the moment, with an artificial dick.

"That sucks," he pouted. "Did anyone catch your eye, at least?"

My mind went straight to Mateo; it was like I could still feel his heat on me, and what had felt like a massive cock pressed against my ass. "There might have been one," I admitted shyly.

"Oh, come on. That's really all I'm going to get?" He groaned as he started to gather a piece of chocolate cake and a blueberry muffin, getting ready to serve the customers.

"Sorry," I apologized with a smile, not feeling sorry at all, and he damn well knew it.

Chuckling, he went back to work.

By the time I got home, I was bursting with renewed nervousness. I'd spent the day at work thinking about the club, but also the possibility of meeting Mateo again. Would he be there tonight?

This would be my third time at DD, and a second time as an official member, so I assured myself that it wasn't weird that I still had nerves. Hell, I could probably attend DD for month straight and still feel the nerves. It took some time before I was comfortable in a new setting, and this was more than that; this was a new world.

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