Chapter 126 - Emma

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It didn't take long until the food was ready to be served, and we sat down by the dinner table in the kitchen. Mateo sat beside me with Gideon at the head of the table on my left, and Callan was in front of me. I quite liked the seating arrangement a whole lot. It felt good being surrounded by these men.

On my plate was a fat burger with all sorts of fillings, with salad and crispy fries on the side. I'd only ever eaten pre-made burgers, but I knew Gideon cooked food from scratch, and the effort showed in the taste. Instead of dry, thin meat, this was juicy and thick, and the taste was oh so good.

"How was your work today, Sweetheart?" Callan paused his eating to look at me.

I groaned. "Oliver is the worst, and we lost a lot of tips because of his attitude." I didn't mention the fact that he was a sleazebag. I had a strong suspicion that they would do something about that—meaning him—and it wouldn't be pretty. Still, as much as I wanted to tell them, I couldn't risk my job. It paid my bills and made sure I could afford school, had food in my stomach, and a roof over my head.

If I lost this job, I wasn't guaranteed that I would find another job just as flexible as this one, which I needed to be able to study as well.

Besides, Oliver was harmless—mostly...well, at least in the café with people around. And it wasn't like I would work that much—if at all—with him now that the summer was over. He wasn't a student and would therefore not get the afternoon shifts. Thank God.

"Who's Oliver?" Mateo asked.

"My boss's nephew. I normally don't work with him, so it's usually not a problem. What about you guys? What have you done today?" I grabbed a fry and dunked it in ketchup.

Now it was Mateo's turn to groan. "I was at my father's office and talked about the business. I need to familiarize myself with it all, and it's a lot."

Reaching for his knee, I squeezed it in compassion. I knew how little he wanted to take over from his father and how much he loved his current job—though we hadn't talked much about the latter yet.

Mateo gave me a shrug. "It's okay," he assured me. "I'll get through it. I've talked to my sister, and she's already started searching for online business classes and will shadow me at work. I hope she'll be ready to take my place in a couple of years."

"I have faith it will all work out." I smiled softly at him. There was a lot of respect to be found in a man who sacrificed so much for the people he loved. He was truly a great guy, and the more I got to know him, the more I lo—liked him. Yes, definitely liked. Nothing more. Not now. It was too soon for that.

"What about you guys?" I directed my question to Callan and Gideon, trying to push my own thoughts away.

"Work," Gideon whispered gruffly.

"Well, I, for one, had plans to spend the day in bed with a beautiful woman, but she was called into work last minute." Callan winked, and I chuckled. "But yeah, when that wasn't an option, I went to my club and got some work done too."

"Too bad about that woman. I'm sure she wasn't all that happy to leave that bed of yours," I teased, though it was true. I hadn't wanted to leave him.

When we were finished with our meal, I collected the plates and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher.

Someone walked up behind me and snuggled into the crook of my neck, breathing me in. I just knew that it was Mateo without having to turn around. There was some kind of feel to each of their presence that made me able to tell which one it was before I even saw them.

It was weird how attuned my body was to theirs.

I leaned back against Mateo's embrace and sighed as the hands around my stomach started sliding up my body. He palmed my breasts through the thin layer of Callan's t-shirt and the lace bra I was wearing.

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