Chapter 105 - Emma

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*This chapter will contain exhibitionism

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the people standing in front of our section, waiting for us to begin. It was both nerve-wracking and heady, the thought of them seeing me perform because that was what this was, wasn't it? Performing.

When Mateo had suggested on a public scene, I'd hesitated. While I wanted to do it, it also made me anxious. But even as my muscles tensed, my pussy pulsed with need. The one thing that helped me decide, was Mateo. I trusted him fully, and I knew he would be with me the entire time. And maybe, just maybe, this would help me overcome some of my struggles.

The red glow of the club made the place feel erotic. It helped. It would've been way worse if the lights had been white and too bright. At least now, it felt almost like a safety blanket. They could still see me clearly, but the dimmed lights made me more comfortable.

"Get on the chair for me," Mateo ordered. His voice had grown husky with want. The knowledge that I was doing this to him, affecting him this way, was the confidence boost I needed to turn and walk over to the chair.

A hiss left my mouth as I sat; the leather was cold to my heated skin, making goosebumps rise. My ass slid down the slated chair making my sex curve upwards. The armrests were weird, too high up for my arms to rest comfortably, and had a strange shape, like a laying L.

Mateo chuckled when I propped my arms up. "Those are for your legs. It'll open you up more," he explained, and I flushed at his words.

It'll open you up more. Goddamn, why was that hot? But also, very, very embarrassing. It was one thing to know what I was going to do in front of strangers and another thing to let them see my pussy up in the air like that.

My heart stuttered in my chest, and even with the music playing, I could hear my heartbeats clearly. Could they hear it too?

When I hesitated, Mateo moved to my side, making me look up at him. His eyes narrowed in warning. "Put your feet on the stirrups, now," he commanded.

I followed his orders, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks as I did so. I was already feeling the effect this had on me. My pussy was slick, and my clit swollen with the need to be touched.

The stirrups were strangely comfortable, if a bit chilled, but the leather warmed up almost immediately from my body heat.

"Good girl," Mateo praised me, and I momentarily forgot the other people. Hearing how good I was made me burn with both arousal and elation. Those two words were something I'd fantasized about hearing whenever I dreamed about being dominated. For a split moment, it felt like I was floating, all because of his praise. But, alas, it only distracted me temporarily, and soon, I was once again aware of people watching me.

I grew conscious of the slight chill on my bare pussy. I bit down hard on my lower lip to keep myself from taking my feet down from the stirrups and cover myself. The pain of the bite help alleviate some of the urges I had, but not all. It was still uncomfortable being this exposed, and to strangers no less.

This was quite a change from having to turn off the lights while having sex, that was for sure. I guess it was easy to let the small, gradual changes go unnoticed until it shocked me with how far I had actually gotten.

"Look ahead, Gorgeous. Watch the people hunger for you," Mateo urged me. I didn't want to turn my head; I felt I could already see enough from my peripheral vision. But the same warning in Mateo's eyes as he had before made it clear I was to obey.

The first thing I met when I twisted my head to the strangers was achingly familiar green eyes. He was standing front and center, demanding me to look at him.

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