Chapter 27

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Louis POV

   Harry just entered his ninth month of pregnancy and he couldn't be more whiny. I mean don't get me wrong I love harry and the babies with all my heart nor am I saying that carrying around three babies twenty-four/seven is an easy job. Its just taking care of Harry is, but I'm glad he's finally excepting our help. Right now Harry's upstairs sound asleep as the four of us sit around the table and.... vent. We really shouldn't with him being so close but sometimes we just cant help it. Niall looks like he's about to pass out because he was up all night do to Harry kicking him and it was his turn to cuddle Harry. Zayn's hands smell like feet and no matter how many times he washes them the stench stays cause Harrys always wanting his aching feet rubbed. Liam looks like he's ready to run and get something as he's Harrys runner. As for me I just wanted to meet these babies and get our normal Harry back.

   "I swear it has to be something he's eating thats causing all of his gas he complains about." Liam says as we think over everything he's eaten as that is his latest complaint. "Whatever, he'll be fine. We only have a month left of hell." Niall says sleepily as he can barely keep his head up. "I can't wait!" Liam says each of us then listing off what we cant wait for him to no longer have. "Soon no more kicking."(Niall), "Soon no more constant foot rubs."(Zayn), "Soon no more cravings."(Liam), 'Soon no more bitching'(myself) after I said the final thing were most looking forward to after this month is when we realized our big mistake. 

   Foot steps were heard coming down the stairs slowly, taking a deep breathe we go over to help Harry with smiles only for them to disappear once we see him. Tears were rolling uncontrollably down his cheeks as he carries a yellow suitcase in one hand and a grey smaller one in the other. He takes each step carefully before reaching the bottom and pushing past the rest of us. Silently he grabs the hospital bag swinging it over his shoulder he opens the door as we watch in shock as he walks out. We were knocked out from our shock as the door slammed behind him, we quickly race out it as we see Gemma helping him into her car. When did she get here? Where is he going? Why is he.... oh shit!

   She shut his door and was giving us death glares as she walked to her side. She gives us the famous finger as she drives off with a sobbing Harry in the passenger seat. NO! No no no no no! This cant be happening! I knew we should have just kept our big mouths shut. We just stood in the front lawn watching as the car disappeared out of the neighborhood. We stood outside for a good half an hour before one of our phones started going off in the house. We ran back inside hoping to see Harry's ID flash on our screens only for Annes to appear instead. "Hello?" Liam picked up Zayn's phone placing it on speaker setting it on the table as we sit around it. "You four can be idiots sometimes."  was the first thing Anne said to us sounding beyond pissed. 'We know Anne and we feel just awful. Is Harry with you?' I ask feeling absolutely gutted that he heard our conversation, one that we most certainly shouldn't of had.

    "He is, and he's told me all about how much of a monster he is for making you help him against your wills! I understand it can be frustrating taking care of a pregnant person but the number one rule is to never complain and you four broke that! He's in pain physically and emotionally all the time because being pregnant with THREE babies is a lot on him. He needs all the support he can get right now, not his fiancés complaining about how much of a pain in the ass he is. As of right now he thinks that was your boys way of dumping him and now he thinks he has to raise the babies on his own. I suggest you four come over here NOW and make things right!" says and she didn't have to tell us twice as we start to race out the door and to her house. "We'll be there as fast as we can." Zayn in forms her before ending the call.

   Niall pounds on the front door of Annes house praying that its her who answers the door instead of Gemma. Thankfully it was Anne but now that she answered the door I think we really would have preferred Gemma. I haven't seen her this upset since when she found out Zach was the one that kidnapped Harry. Her mama bear was out and this time she was ready to attack us. She moved from the front door enough for us to enter then shutting it right afterwards. The sounds of sniffles grew as we approached the living room, only to see Harry curled up on the couch (as much as he can with the triplets) crying softly onto Gemmas shoulder.

   "Hazza?" Liam said barely above a whisper, so soft and gentle as we don't want to upset Harry more. He looks up from his ring with sorrowful eyes ready to release a new batch of unshed tears. "Harry we are so, so very sorry you heard us. I promise you, you are the best person in the world. You are so strong dealing with us and the babies day in and day out that we merely crumble at the stuff you do on a daily bases." Niall says as we calmly walk over to him. "We were such idiots to ever say such things about our beautiful, smart, loving, caring Hazza. We are so lucky to call you ours and these babies are so lucky to have you as a daddy." Liam continues as we sit in front of him on the ground. "I promise that we'll make this up to you and it was nothing but a stupid mistake we made." Zayn says brushing away the drying tear tracks on his cheeks. 'Please come home baby, we love you more than anything in this world and cant wait to call you our husband. We love you four so much! Please just come home with us.' I beg as we all wait for his decision on baited breath. A smile crept onto his face as he nods his head while engulfing the four of in a hug being mindful of the babies.

 <Let's go home.>

Hello World, 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter will be the name reveal so comment down any thoughts on their names! Remember two boys one girl! What did you think about this chapter? Were the boys in the wrong or did Harry over react? Were Anne and Gemma reactions over the top or justified? Let me know what you think. Please feel free to vote, comment, follow me, read my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!  

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