Chapter 21

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Zayns POV

   Harrys been quite ever since the night at the restaurant a couple of weeks ago. Not signing unless it was absolutely necessary, most of the time he either keeps to himself in the house or would be in the room with us but become completely invisible. He's astatic that we got engaged, so was the rest of the family but what those people said really got to him. "Hazza?" Louis called out as we searched around the house trying to find him when we got home from work. No sound was made to indicate he was home when Louis called. Finding him no where we quickly realize he probably still at the bakery, grabbing the keys we quickly make our way over. "Hello Boys!" Anne says as we enter the little shop giving each of us a hug. "He's in the back with Gemma. " She tells us pointing to the door that leads to the kitchen, we nod and make our way into the back.

   We walked into a beautiful image of Harry sitting on a stool rubbing his bump as he waits patiently for the oven to go off. "Hey Gorgeous"(Niall) "Hi Darling" (Liam) 'Hello Love' (me) "Hi'ya Babies"(Louis) we greet, causing him to look over at us and a smile to grace his lips, a smile we haven't seen in a week. He slowly gets off his stool and waddles over to us cuddling himself into Nialls embrace to which he happily supplied. Confused but happy at the same time we choose not to question the sudden attention, giving all of ours to him. "Zayn could I talk to you for a moment?" Gemma asked as we all watch the boy try to cuddle further into Niall proving his bump was becoming an issue with that task. I nod and we make our way out to the diner as she doesn't want Harry to hear what were talking about. Being out of ear shot Gemma fills me in on Harrys attitude change. 

   "Thats why he distanced himself from you. It took me and mom nearly all day to convince him that, that wasn't true and to stop distancing himself. He's taking our advice so I suggest you four make sure you let him know just how much you love him for him." she's says as I stood their feeling awful. With him thinking we were going to get embarrassed every time we're with him in public just because he no longer speaks and chooses to use sign to communicate, so embarrassed by him that we may leave him. I felt like I was just punched in the gut. I give a quick nod before heading back into the kitchen to grab Harry from Niall who immediately cuddled into me as I whisper sweet words into his ears explaining how much we love him and how he is the best thing thats ever happened to us. 

   Silent tears roll down his face but he nods every time I ask him if he understood. We would never leave him, he's the best thing to ever happen to us. With Harrys back to the boys they look at us completely confused as they were left in the dark about the whole situation. Gemma quickly filled them in as I stood swaying with Harry just telling him how much we love and appreciate him. The boys were quick to rush over and join our hug while telling Harry just how much we love and appreciate him. We pull away each wiping a tear that slowly made its way down his cheek while he gives us his smile that we have so desperately missed. "Awe!" Gemma says getting a playful wack on the arm from Anne as the two stood there watching the whole thing.

   "You aren't supposed to give it away that we were watching them." Anne says with a chuckle as she shakes her head while Gemma just looked down at her feet embarrassed. Harry rolls his eyes fondly before going over and giving both ladies a hug telling them <I love you both so much, thank you.> when he pulled away. He looked back at us <Ready to head out?> he asked with his stunning smile that was hidden for far to long back on his features where it should always be. We give him a nod before helping him grab his stuff and making our way to the car so we can head home.

   "What would you like for dinner tonight?" Louis asked as the five of us make our way inside the house. <Nothing if your making it Mr. I can burn anything.> Harry responds sassily getting a laugh from the rest of us while Louis stood there unimpressed. "Didn't say I was cooking, just was asking what you were craving." Louis says defending himself with a little pout on his lips. <Oh then a veggie deep dish pizza with extra cheese.> Harry signs excitedly while licking his lips probably imaging the pizza as he describes it. 'On it babe.' I tell him placing a kiss on his forehead while I make the call to the pizza place ordering exactly what Harry wants. Not even a moment later I go back into the family room were I left them to see a crying Harry, a panicked Louis, with Liam and Niall trying to calm Harry down. 

   'What did you do?' I ask while making my way over to Harry trying to stop the silent sobbing. "He brought up the notebook." Niall says as the three of us dead pan over to the man. "I just suggested we watched it that was all!" Louis states holding his hands up in the air trying to defend himself. "You know what happens in that movie, do you really think it would be good for a hormonal pregnant man to watch a sad/romance film?" Liam asks sarcastically as we all know the answer to that is no. "Okay, okay I get it. I'm sorry, no need to make me feel bad cause I already feel horrible for making him cry." Louis says bitterly towards us before completely changing his bitter attitude into a loving one crouching down in-between Harrys legs. "I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to make you so upset, I just know its one of your favorite movies thats the only reason I suggested it." He says as Harrys sobs turn into sniffles he places a kiss on his nose followed by three more on Harrys belly getting a giggle to come from the boy. The pizza shorty arrived after Harry calmed down while we settled on the movie Matilda. Harry loved it while the four of us just sat through it waiting for it to be over. We're just happy with the fact that it was a kids movie and not a sad/romantic film.

   I'm so glad no one suggested the Titanic  

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