Chapter 5

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Harrys POV

      As Lottie and I make our way to our next lesson she says to me "Do you have work after. school today?" <Yeah, I always do....why?> "No reason" she says with a cheeky grin on her face. <What are you planning?> I ask her seriously because knowing her she could do anything "I'm not planning anything, I was simply just wondering" she's says without a care in the world. We enter the room  to only have us and our lyrical teacher Ms. Kay in there. "Where is everyone?" Lottie asks, "I told them they were dismissed for today lesson because I wanted to work with the both of you. We are entering a completion next weekend and I would like you both to preform in it." ms. Kay tells us. "OMG SERIOUSLY, THIS IS AMAZING!" Lots screams "I'm glad your happy I would like the two of you to each do a solo and a duet together. You get to pick your songs and do your own choreography as well. You'll each have private lessons with me so we work out the kinks to each of your performances. You have the room to yourselves, better start practicing." she explains as she leaves. 

(Lottie talking, Harry signing)

    "Okay, what song should we do as a duet?" <I don't know but maybe all three of our songs could have a common theme between them?> "YES! In honor of you trying love again that should be our theme and strength as your finding your inner strength again! " <sure I guess> "Perfect I think for my solo I should do thousand years and for our duet we should do Rise Up." <sounds good to me.> "Well what song are you gonna pick?" <you'll see.>  with that being said we stand up and start to choreograph our duet.


     Once we finished our dance and had a good run I sat in the corner writing down our moves in my dance journal. I do this just incase we mess up in the future or forget a step. While Lotties already starting on her solo. I stay in charge of music while she dances. "Okay Harry I think I've go it." she says and I start up the music again.

Lotties solo 

   <Lottie that was amazing> I compliment her while giving her a hug. "Thank Haz, now come on show me what you got!" she says I go over and cue up the music I've already choreographed to a couple of months ago. I get set and ready to start.

Harrys Solo 

   "Oh Harry" Lottie says with tears in her eyes as she runs towards me "that was beautiful" she pulls away from the hug and whip some tears off my face I hadn't even known had fallen. "Wow" I hear someone say I turn to see Nick, Phoebe, Daisy,Doris, Ernest, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall all staring at me. I blush and try to hide my face, "That was gorgeous Harry" Daisy tells me as she hugs me. "You showed so much during that dance are you sure you feel comfortable to show it?" Lottie asks and I give her a nod. "When did you create that Haz?" Nick gently asks me already knowing the answer just wanting this thoughts to be confirmed. <when I was with Zach... when he would make me feel worthless, I created this dance after a particularly... bad day> I sign Lottie of course having to translate a bit for me as no one else understood what I was doing with my hands. 

   Nick, Pheobe, and Dasiy seemed to nod in understanding while the little ones stood at my sides playing with my fingers. "who's Zach?" Niall asks I nearly jump out of my skin having completely forgotten they were there, "No one" the girls and Nick answer harshly for me knowing its still a touchy subject after these past two years we've been broken up. "Okay, okay no need to get your nickers in a twist we were just wondering." Louis says. I look down and decide to tell them who he was because I cant let him control my life anymore, he's not here anymore. tugging at Lottie's sleeve she turns her attention at me <my ex> I sign, "You sure? They don't have to know its way we shouldn't have talked..." I just press my finger to my lips telling her to stop. Nodding in their direction she smiles looking a bit proud that I'm opening up a bit "Zach is Harrys ex-boyfriend." she states calmly showing distaste as she said his name, their expressions change into a mixture of anger and sadness. "I'm sorry for asking Harry I didn't know" Niall apologies, <its okay Niall but I have to go or I'm gonna be late> Lottie speaks as I sign quickly gathering my stuff from the ground, running out to my car I take a deep breath. I did it. I spoke to more than just Lottie today AND I spoke to them willingly!

      Will you shut up no one cares about you, you worthless piece of trash! I hear him shout in my head. God you need to stop talking your voice sounds horrible. You looked like shit up there I don't even know why you still try. Make sure you use makeup it'll at least dimmer down some of your ugliness. Enough about that bitch you call a friend you need to get rid of her, she's bad for you! SHUT UP SLUT! No one wants your opinion and I can have my way with you anyway I want! I start to breathe rapidly remembering all the horrible things he would say and do to me. But he was wrong, I am beautiful, my thoughts are great and deserve to be heard, and I'm worth so much more than that ass of a man! I dry my tears after repeating the positive thought over in my head to replace the negative ones and step into the bakery to start my shift.

Hello world, 

  I hope you guys enjoy reading my story. Leave a comment as to who's POV you want to hear from next. I'm thinking about doing one of the boys but I don't know which one. I probably won't post on this story for a couple days so please comment your opinion. Sorry for the videos it wouldn't let me link them but those are the links so if you copy and paste them you'll see the choreography. Also huge thank you to the performers whose videos I'm using. Their so talented!

The Quiet Little Dancer (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now