Chapter 2

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Louis POV 

  'UGH mom do I have to go get the girls and Ernie from dance class' I whine into the phone I finally have successfully moved with all my boyfriends into a small apartment back in my home town. Now my mom goes and drops this on me when I'm already exhausted. "Yes Louis you have to because incase you haven't notice I'm at work, speaking of I won't be home until late so watch Daisy, Phoebe, Doris and Ernie please until I get back luv ya bye" and with that my mom hung up on me. Great..... "Who was that babe" Zayn one of my boyfriends asks me as he snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me close to his toned chest. Niall and Liam come over and seeing my annoyed expression have them questioning whats got me so upset. 'Its my mom she says we gotta go get everyone from dance' I tell them, Liam just chuckles saying "babe there are worst things in the world than going to pick up your siblings" 'yeah right' I say under my breath. "Awe don't worry babe we will go with you I still have yet to see where those guys all go to dance, I hear their school is the best of the best"Niall says with an excited smile. 'Okay then boys lets go were taking the mini bus' they all race out the door as I lock up and brace myself to deal with my siblings.

  We arrive at the school and all our mouths were on the floor as we arrive to this gorgeous mansion with all different kinds pf music pouring out the windows. Even with all the different styles colliding into one it still molded a beautiful sound only adding to the mansions beauty. "This place is beautiful" Liam whispers scared that if he talks any louder it will ruin the view. This place was a gorgeous French Victorian styled mansion with beautiful landscaping. Each window had a balcony to lead out onto and a very grand entrance.

  Once inside we stop at the front desk to say hello to my sister Lotties boyfriend Nick

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

  Once inside we stop at the front desk to say hello to my sister Lotties boyfriend Nick. 'Hey Nick where is everyone' I ask and not even giving him a moment to respond, out comes rushing three girls and one boy from different classrooms. Doris jumps to Niall and Ernest jumps to Liam while the other two girls go to Zayn with loving greeting while I get.... nothing. 'Well hello to you all two' I snip at them and they all just roll their eyes at me. Once I do a quick head count I notice that were missing one and that one is Lottie. 'Hey Nick do you know where Lottie is?' "No clue, probably doing something with H like usual. You guys are free to go search for her, I'll watch after these guys" 'Thanks Nick, come on boys the faster we find her the faster we can get home' I grumble wondering who H is. We start making our way down the many halls couldn't find her. We walked by an empty hallway that had one room producing light and music. I get the boys attention and walked towards the room. I looked in the large window luckily spotting her in the corner watching something. We were about to bust in but then we saw him, the stunning boy she was watching. He was amazing, he had a beautiful long and thin body with gorgoreus shoulder length brown curly hair tied up in a bun. He only had pants on so we got to see his amazing body, toned abs and arms that I just want to kiss. Just bellow his pecks was a butterfly tattoo that made me want to go and see it up close. His moves were graceful and full of power, anyone could tell he put his heart and soul into every move he makes. His eyes were closed the entire time, he seemed to be in his own little world. I look over at my boyfriends and I know we all have the same thing on our minds. He will be ours.

  When he finished we couldn't help ourselves and made our presence known. He jumps and looks back at us with these amazing forest green doe eyes, he looks like a deer caught in headlights when he spots us. Lottie turns to us and looks like she about to blow a fuse. "WHAT THE HELL you gave us a heart attack, I swear if you found this funny I will personally shave your eyebrows off when your sleeping and blah blah blah..." she kept going on but we started to notice he was trying to make a quiet exist. He looked extremely panicked as he hastily packed up his dance bag, Niall was the first to go to him and say sorry to him for the scare. He gives us a worried look, then he looked over to Lottie who takes it upon herself to help him make his leave. "H you better go, don't want Gems burning all your pre made biscuits now do you?" she says, so this magnificent boy is H... 'H' just gives her a smile, nods his head and quickly gets out of the room. We all turn to ask her a million question about 'H' but before we can even get out one she says "find out from your other siblings about him" and walks out of the room. We pout as we leave and go join the rest of my siblings, wondering how much we would have to bribe them in order to spill. 

  "Lou can we goes to the bakewy down the street befores we go home" Doris asks me with puppy dog eyes which she knows are my weakness. 'Sure luv we can stop by. Daisy? Phoebe? Either of you know how to get there?' I ask and Daisy is quick with an answer " take a left at the first stop light and its on your right its called Stylish Sweets."  I thank her and we are on our way. We pull up in front of a cute little bakery and hop out of the car. "Hi Mrs. Styles" my siblings all say to the woman running the cash register. "Hello everyone, what can I get you guys" Mrs. Styles asks. "I think were going to need H's recommendation to get our orders" Daisy says with a knowing smirk on her lips along with Phoebe and a worried look on Lots face. Lottie probably told those two about our little ambush during the ride. "No needs to bring him out Mrs Styles, I'm sure his busy trying to keep Gemma from burning down the shop." Lottie says quickly getting an "OI" from a girl in the kitchen. "Its no trouble at all, Im sure he'd love to see you all again. Haz honey you have some guests here asking for your recommendation" she yells into the back. "HES COMING!" a girl squealed as she came out from the back and gave Lots, Phoebe, and Daisy an excited smile. "Okay Gemma no need to freak out" Mrs. Styles says to Gemma to which she replied with a sorry mom. Suddenly there he is H or Haz as Mrs Styles puts it making some interesting gestures with his hands as he restocks the display case, not taking any note of who was here. "He's asking who wanted the recommendation." Gemma says. "Why us sweet cheeks" Zayn says not missing a beat looking directly at Harry through the display case. Doesn't matter if he's mute or deaf, we still want him. Slowly he stands up, taking a long terrified look at us he then moves his gaze towards my siblings, specifically Lottie. She takes a deep breath and mouths silently. 


Hello World, 

I hope you all are enjoying and if you have any ideas that go along with my story please feel free to share them with me in the comments!

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(dance school) Link to image 

The Quiet Little Dancer (Zianourry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang