Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

   "Morning birthday boy..." Liam whispers into my ear as we all lie in bed just waking up for the day. Smiling sleepily I sign onto his chiseled chest a good morning getting a chuckle to rumble his chest. "Tired Hazza?" Niall teases as he rubs my swollen middle, huffing I sign into the air <You try being seven and a half months pregnant with triplets> getting a laugh out of the group. Each of them wish me a happy birthday and smother my face in their kisses. Causing me to silently giggle and slowly open my heavy eyes as I'm able to see all of their gorgeous faces. "So what would the birthday boy like to do?" Zayn asked with out a moment of hesitation I already know <Eat> I tell them as they climb out of bed before Liam helps me up. "That can be arranged love." Louis says kissing my nose as the boys coo at what they call my pregnant cuteness.

   Pleasantly stuffed from the amazing breakfast the boys took me to as none of them could cook, they inform me we're making our way to my first surprise of the day. Niall blindfolds me once I'm situated in the car so I have no clue as to where their taking me. Making it to our destination one of the boys help me out of the car while they all guide me to the surprise. When I get their okay I quickly ripping off the blindfold, having to wait a moment I let my eyes adjust to the best surprise I could have ever received. The triplets nursery... 

   "Now Hazza for your second surprise, do you want take a guess at what were having?" Zayn asks hugging me from behind placing his hands on my bump

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   "Now Hazza for your second surprise, do you want take a guess at what were having?" Zayn asks hugging me from behind placing his hands on my bump. <Two princes and a princess> I know for a fact because if I had all girls I want the nursery to be littered with flowers but if I had all boys I wanted strips. Now I'm getting the best of both worlds with this gorgeous nursery. "You've guessed it babe." Louis said as he kissed my temple. <I'm getting my princess> crying in pure joy over the fact that its now so much more real. The boys chuckle at my remark as they surround me in a hug. "The surprises are far from over darling, you ready for the next?" Liam asked. Debating for a moment if I could even handle more surprises I easily say yes as I'm whisked off to the next surprise.

   <A massage?> I ask when they whip the blind fold off me for the second time surrounded in the most calming music and smells. "Even better a full spa pregnancy treatment. With all the works!" Niall tells me right as two men come out. The men both looked like gods! They were extremely fit and toned with sharp jaw lines with a titch of stubble and gorgeous locks of brunet hair. "Harry Styles?" one of the men called out my name and I swear I melted right there. "Nope!" Louis exclaims as the four of them try and turn me around to get away from these gods. "Oh no you don't! This is my gift to Harry and I requested for us to have Zeus and Apollo." Lottie says as she comes into the spa. I speed waddle into her out stretched arms happily giving her the biggest hug I could muster with these three in the way. <Your literally the best!> she basks in the comment before she pushes our way past the boys and into the Gods grasps.

   <I don't think you guys will be able to top the three surprises you've already given me.> I say as I walk blindly for the third time. "Well tell us for yourself." with the the blind fold was ripped off again. "Surprise!" Everyone yelled as I enter my mothers house. Everyone was there from Louis' family, Mom and Gemma and all of my friends from the dance academy and the English National Ballet were there. I tear up as my mother and Gemma wrap me into a hug, completely in awe of this amazing surprise. "Happy Birthday baby." Mom kisses my head before guiding me to the couch. One by one everyone makes there way over to me to wish me a happy birthday getting all the hugs and kisses I could ask for. 

   "Hi Harry! Happy Birthday!" Ernest and Doris yell once its their turn to wish me a happy birthday. Immediately focusing on my stomach as they saw it move from one of the babies not liking the sudden loud noises. "Hi babies." Doris whispered to my stomach while both of them place their hands on it, giggling in delight when they feel a kick. "Babes, leave poor Harry alone your getting the little ones all worked up in there." Jay is quick to my rescue as the kicks were starting to hurt. Wishing me a quick happy birthday and a peck on the cheek she's shooing the two munchkins away. Receiving a mountain of baby clothes, clothes for me (durning and after pregnancy), books, baking utensils and much more the boys load up the car and we make our way home. 

   Being shaken, I shoot up from my power nap in the car only to be surrounded by darkness. <Another surprise?> I ask feeling the blindfold back on me, Liam confirms my question before carefully helping me out of the car and into god only knows where. Being lifted into his arms as he carries me up some stairs and then down another flight my mind wanders as to what this surprise could be. He gently sets me back down onto my feet, carefully untying the cloth I am reassured to know that were back home. Looking ahead I see Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn stand there each holding my top four favorite cravings I've had throughout my entire pregnancy. Taking the bowl of whipped cream with onion flavored chips for dipping from Zayn I walk into one of my favorite spots in the house, the movie theater. We spent the rest of the night watching beauty and the beast as I ate all the snacks and snuggled in to my Fiancés loving arms.

 Best Birthday Ever!

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now we finally know the gender of the triplets, yay! PLEASE leave some name suggestions either in the comments or on my profile remember two boys one girl. Feel free to follow me to get updates as to when I post next.



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