Chapter 12

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"...Lets get you home." then everything went black

Liams POV

     Its been a month since Harry's disappearance and everyones besides themselves with worry. We've been looking all over for him nonstop over the past month. Anne and Gemma were terrified the night Harry didn't come home, calling us asking if he was still with us and that got us scared. "He's not with us Anne, we thought he was with you. He texted us something about not feeling good and staying home." Louis says catching all of our attentions. He goes silent for a moment only for a look of horror to speed across his features. "We'll be right there." he hangs up the phone and told us the two most horrendous words I've ever heard "Harry's missing!". Since then we've contacted the police who are searching for him, we've created posters hanging them all around town hoping and praying that some day we would get a call about him, posting about him online about him being missing. Sadly that day took a month to come, but nevertheless it came. 

  It was three in the morning when my phone started going off, being the lightest sleeper of the group I'm quick to answer it. "Hu'llo" I say sleep heavily in my tone, "Liam...Help" a voice spoke over the line sounding horse and ragged as if its never been used... oh my god! "Harry, Harry where are you. Your okay babe I'm coming I just need to know where you are." I say startling the others awake as we quickly run out the door and into the car. "I'm at 587 bridge road... please hurry." he SPEAKS sounding panicked then I hear a man yelling before the line cuts out. "587 bridge road HURRY!" I yell at Niall whose in the driver seat. I suggested to Louis and Zayn that we should contact the others. Louis contacted Lottie and the rest of his family while Zayn contacts the police letting them know the location. I took on the biggest task, informing Anne and Gemma we may have found him.

    After the first ring Anne picks up "Liam, whats wrong?" she questioned over the commotion of what I presume Gemma running around the house, "We just got a call from Harry. He's alive snd he spoke but he doesn't sound good, he sounds really hurt. He gave us an address and were heading there now, the address is 587 bridge road does that ring any bells?" I ask hearing a gasp over the line I assume its a yes. "Liam were on our way!" Gemma says angrily then hangs up the phone giving a quick bye. "The police should be there any minute, Niall how much longer?" Zayn questioned after he hung up the phone, "About three minutes." Niall says speeding up so he could make a light. Those three minutes were the longest three minutes of our lives.

  When we get there the cops have already captured his kidnapper, radioing an ambulance to come to the address. We run out of the car and over to the house only to be stopped by some cop. "Sorry boys you cant go in there." he says, "Our kidnapped boyfriend is in there so yes we can fucking go in here!" Louis shouts as we push past the officer into the house. 'Niall you take the basement, Louis and Zayn take the upstairs while I search around here.' I say as we race off into our areas to look for him. We were looking around our floors for what felt like ages when suddenly a scream comes from the basement. Louis and Zayn come toppling down the stair as the three of us race toward the screech only to see a sickening sight.

   Niall was holding a broken and bruised limp Harry in his arms. He looked awful and as if he was struggling to breathe as he lays unconscious in Nialls hold. "He won't wake up!" Niall says lightly shaking Harry as tear stream down his face. Looking down at Harrys limp body I notice how much skinnier he is with his cheeks being hollowed and his eyes sunken in, he looked almost ghost like. Louis, Zayn and I kneel sit down next to Niall holding Harry and waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Each breath Harry takes sounds painful as he inhales and exhales, I just watched his lungs inflate and deflate counting how long it takes between them. A rush of feet could be heard over head causing us to all to yell as we cradle him in our arms. Two paramedics come racing down the stairs with one holding a board and the other holding a bag full of medical equipment. 

   "Out of the way." the one holding the bag demanded causing all of us to move except Niall who clung to Harry for dear life. "Sir, I need you to let go of him so we can get him help." the other one says in a kind tone slowly pulling Harry from his grip and onto the stiff stretcher. They stick an IV in his arm while securing him onto the stretcher before they race back up the stairs. "MY BABY!" we hear Anne shriek as he's being put into the ambulance, looking over I see sure on the ground clutching her chest as Gemmas arms wrap around her trying to consul her when she herself is a wreak at seeing her baby brother like this. They pack him in and speed off to the hospital with the four of us, Gemma, and Anne racing after it.

  We rush into the hospital and up to the front desk asking for his room number. "Um our boyfriend was just brought here." Zayn says visibly shaking as tears build up in his eyes, "Whats his name love?" the nurse asks kindly ready to type in any name we give her into the computer. 'His names Harry, Harry Styles' I rush out wanting to do nothing more but to hold my love. She types in his name into the computer as a sad look develops on her kind features. "He's in surgery right now I'm afraid but you are more than welcome to sit over there and I'll be sure to give you any information about him." she tells us, we nod and our group makes it over to the uncomfortable waiting chairs. All of us sit there hoping and praying for Harry, about five hours later a doctor comes over to us giving us an update on Hazza. 

   "Family of Harry Styles?" he questioned we nod and he gives us a smile that instantly calms our fears. "He's fine, made it through the surgery with zero complications. He does however have multiple injuries that will keep him here for a while." he starts out, we give him a nod and he continues. "For starters he's malnourished and dehydrated so he's hooked up to an IV giving him the vitamins and hydration he needs. He suffers from three broken ribs, a severely sprained ankle, a minor concussion, and a shattered wrist. Many of his wounds were infected but are now being treated so there shouldn't be any problems with them in the future." he says causing all of us to break into tears as were so relieved. Relieved that our hazzas out of surgery, he's safe, he's okay and he's alive. 

  "Would you like to see him?" he asks 'please' I say with my voice cracking, he leads us down the halls and stops in front of the door 390. He tells us to be quiet when we enter unsure if Harrys still asleep or not. We enter to see a very wide awake Harry laying on the bed with the biggest smile on his face. We all race over to him and carefully tackle him in a hug, being grateful that this time he's hugging back. He looks at us with relief swirling in his eyes giving each of us a kiss he whispers out...

 "I love you." <thank you for saving me>

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. HARRY HAS SPOKEN! Were you shocked?Do you think this is the beginning of his process through verbalizing his thoughts or do you think its because he was in a life/death situation? Feel free to comment, follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or do all four!

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