Chapter 19

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Harrys POV

   I've been stuck on bedrest for three days now and I can officially say I've never been more bored. Having read twenty books in the span of my bedrest along with watching all the boring "reality" TV a person could, currently I'm moving onto my twenty-first. My little beans moving around and fluttering inside of my tummy however makes it a little hard to concentrate on chapter 8. Admitting defeat I place my book mark in the book I set it aside, placing my hands on my bump. I watched as my tummy moved with their fluttering smiling down at them. Suddenly I felt a bump against my palm. Blinking in disbelief I watch silently hoping it would happen again. A few minutes pass and another push is made against my hand followed by another on the other hand. Soon enough they start kicking up a storm, excited that they've found something new they can do.

   I sit and watch for a moment longer thinking of how excited the guys will be when they find out. Grabbing my hand bell from the side table I ring it loud and frantic causing a plethora of frantic thumps to be heard running up the stairs. "Harry?" (Liam) "Is something wrong?" (Niall) "Are you hurting?"(Zayn) "Do you have to pee?"(Louis) they bombard me with questions as they rush into our room and make their way over towards me on the bed. When the doctor told us that I was on bed rest and one of them needed to be with me twenty four seven, they agreed that they all should work from home, all of them wanting to be able to care for me. When they make their way over towards the bed I grabbed the nearest hand which just happened to be Zayn's and placed it on my tummy. Looking at me confused he was about to ask when one of them kicked, followed by another kick and a third one under his palm. He stood there mouth agape as he stared down at my bump with love swirling in his eyes. The others becoming curious each put a hand on my belly and each receiving three kicks. They stood just as Zayn, all of them just staring at my belly with so much love in their eyes. 

  "Hello babies this is your Dad and I just thought I'd tell you three that you've got some mighty kicks." Louis says to my bump kissing it causing me to giggle their cuteness towards our babies. "Hello loves this is your Pops be good for your Daddy okay? We love you so much." Liam says placing a kiss on my bump, Niall goes next after scooting Liam out of the way "Hey kiddos its Papa here, we love to feel you guys kick but make sure to give Daddy a break every now and then." he says also giving my bump a kiss. "Hello sunshines its Bubba, Just wanted to let you know that we love you so, so much and cant wait to meet you in about five more months. No surprises you here, your stuck in there for five more months." Zayn says lastly kissing my bump just as the others did. Their little kicks died down shortly after Zayn spoke. With all the excitement my eyes begin to droop as I stifle a yawn. "Okay Daddy, get some sleep. We'll be downstairs if you need us." Liam says noticing my exhaustion with them each placing a kiss on my forehead, I sign an <I love you> to them before they made their exit and shut the door behind themselves.

   I was woken up an hour later with a need... a need to pee. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I realize I need to go now, no time to wait for them. I slowly slide to the edge of the bed and place my feet into my slippers next to the bed quietly hoping they won't hear me. I slowly hoist myself up feeling using our head bored for support, a twinge in my back occurs by the movement. I rub it before I carefully waddle to the ensuite which is maybe about ten steps from the bed, as I waddle over I step on a lose floor board causing it to creek. I stopped waiting for the frantic running... but it never came. Sighing in relief I make it the rest of the way to the bathroom, slowly sitting down on the seat is when I hear the door burst open. 

  Damn it! 

  "HARRY!" my four boys yell franticly as they run over to the bathroom, they go to turn the door but I locked it remembering the last time they busted in on me. "Harry are you in their?"(Niall) "Are you okay? Can you let us know your alright in there?"(Liam) "Open the door please!" (Zayn) "Harold you know perfectly well we banned you from locking doors!" (Louis) they pound on the door thinking that that would hurry up the pregnant person. I look down at my slippers thinking of the perfect way to let them know I'm okay. With a bit of a struggle I stay on the seat and grab one of my slippers, with the slipper in my grasp I chuck it at the door causing a loud boom. "Is that your way of saying your alright?" Liam asked after a few moments. I grab my other slipper and repeat the action getting everyone from behind the door to go silent. I finish my business, slipping my slippers back on my feet I open the door with one hand on my back the other on my bump as they look at me angry. 

   I give them an angry stare right back not wanting to get a lecture from my loves. I go to take a step from the bathroom before I could even finish the step I'm hoisted into Liams arms. They take me downstairs and set me on the couch grabbing multiple pillows and blankets in order to make me comfortable. They finish and smile in triumph when I'm tucked, I muster up the meanest glare I can give as I'm not to pleased with this new arrangement. "Oh Haz don't look at us like that, we're doing this for your own good." Niall says as their looks turn soft while mine stays hard. "Ring if you need anything." Louis says each going in to give me a kiss on the lips only for me to pout and turn my head making them give my forehead a kiss before they leave instead of my lips. It could just be the hormones but I'm extremely infuriated over what they did, I mean I only got up to pee and now they've brought me all the way downstairs setting me right outside their office which might I add is a lot more uncomfortable for me to lay.

 "Haz come on talk to us babe." Zayn says as the four of them came and sat in the living room waiting for me to strike up a conversation. I fold my hands together still extremely upset about the whole incident earlier. My babies sensing my anger start to get riled up as well fluttering and kicking about in my tummy. I look down at my tummy and place a hand on it feeling the kicks making sure not to acknowledge any of them as I smile down at my tummy. "Are they kicking again?" Liam asked shyly knowing very well that I'm upset with all of them. I look up at them to see them starring at my tummy as they sit on their hands just desperately wanting to feel the kicks. Seeing their expressions my glare slowly starts to soften as I nod, they glance at me then the bump then back at me silently asking for permission. I nod in approval and they quickly make their way over placing their hands on my bump feeling the babies kick.

   I look down to see them fascinated by the little ones moving around inside my anger instantly melts away and is replaced by guilt. They're just looking after us I shouldn't be so upset with them. I place my hand on Zayn's causing them to look up from my bump and to me. Tears swirling in my eyes I tell them <I'm sorry> as the tears escape one by one slowly making there way down my cheek. The boys are quick to console me, telling me I have nothing to be sorry for and that they should've asked before they brought me downstairs when they could have brought their work upstairs. As we forgive each other for our mistakes we embrace in each others warmth never wanting to let go. I pull out from the embrace and dry my tears giving them a smile as they return one. My stomach makes a loud gurgle causing the boys to laugh as I just blush completely embarrassed by the sound. "Guess my babies are hungry, so what will it be." Niall asks <Pizza and a movie?> I ask getting nods they make their ways to order the pizza, find a movie and the other two to help me to the movie theater. As we start the movie I munch on popcorn and come to the conclusion...

 That maybe being on bed rest isn't SO bad.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just wanted to inform that whenever these <> are used its just Harry signing, I don't want to keep saying he signs or signed when I don't have to. Thank you for reading my stories.  

The Quiet Little Dancer (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now