Chapter 13

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Nialls POV

  It's been two months since we found Harry. Two months he's been stuck in this hospital with tubes and wires coming out of him. Two months of recurring nightmare of something happening to him again. Two months of nothing but silence from him. He doesn't sign anymore, all of us have become more worried than ever. All he does is sit and stare off into the distance out of the window next to his bed. He moves from bed to the chair by window to bathroom then back and repeat. He's merely a shell of the boy we all love who was just starting to get back to being an outgoing loving boy, only to start back at square one all because of that bastard.

   He is physically getting better but everything is still healing adding on the fact that he's still incredible thin. Nothing seems to grab his attention anymore except for that window. We make sure to visit him everyday because even if he doesn't tell us, we know he likes us there with him. In fact when he sees us he'll reach out a hand for one of us to hold and squeeze it every so often. Anne usually lets us know if he's having a good day or a bad day before we enter the room in order for us to brace ourselves. On his good days he'll keep eye contact with you if you speak to him and sometimes he'll respond with a head gesture. On his bad its full of silent tears and a tight grip on all of our hands not wanting to be let go in fear of something.

   "Good morning Anne, how is he today?" Liam questions as we see her waiting outside his room for us, only for her to give us a look full of nothing but exhaustion and sadness. "He had another nightmare last night and it was bad... they had to sedate him in order for him to calm down from it. He woke up a few hours ago and has been sitting in either mine or Gems lap the entire time, its going to be a long day." she says sadly, tears brimming her eyes as she lets out a shaky sigh. "But it can only go up from here." she says trying to put some hope into all of our spirits. She opens the door to Harrys room, our eyes immediately go to the shaking Harry curled up in his sisters lap as Gemma tries to calm him. Gemma looks up at her mother worried she explains slightly panicked at whats wrong. "He's having an attack and nothings working." Anne quickly runs over to her children trying her best to calm him down only for her attempts to fail as well. 

   "Harry... Harry its us, your safe. I promise you that you are safe. You are surrounded by love right now, everyone here would never ever hurt you. He's gone baby, I promise your safe." Zayn says calmly as the four of us slowly making our way over to him not wanting to do any sudden movements that may trigger the attack to worsen. He blinked once... then twice... he slowly starts to calm his shakes...he blinked a third time as tears fell from his eyes. He locked his with ours, looking us over as if someone were playing a trick on him. He slowly holds out one of his hands that each one of us grab assuring him its really us. Then finally after two months I saw his eyes sparkle as they fill with nothing but love and fondness. I started to cry finally seeing an emotion other than sadness in his eyes. "Hey babe. Want to go sit in the comfy chair and look out the windows?" Liam asks carefully not trying to spook him and send him into another spiral. He gives the worlds smallest nod then untangles himself from Gemma and goes to sit in said chair. "Hello Harry, Anne, Gemma, boys I wanted to come and let you know that since Harrys healing quite nicely he's able to go home." The doctor says smiling causing the rest of us to smile as well. She and Anne step outside to talk more, not wanting Harry to overhear their discussion. 'Hear that love? You get to go home.' I tell him placing a loving kiss on his hairline. He nods while he continues his gaze out the window.

  "Ready Harry?" Anne asked as we all stand packed up at the door waiting for him to feel comfortable enough to stand from the chair. After a few beats of silence he slowly stands from the chair and tucks himself under Louis and Zayn, clutching onto them for dear life. When we get out of the hospital Anne finally hands Harry back his necklace as he left it on the night stand at a home and the hospital wouldn't allow him to wear it for safety reasons. Taking it with a tiny smile he puts it back on and fiddles with it as we make our way to our cars. We all drove back to his house in silence as no one knew what to say.

   When he enters the house a sense of familiarity and warmth washes over him. He goes over to the living  wrapping himself in a blanket and plops down on the couch. Anne and Gemma go to make something to eat while the four of us go to join him on the couch. He leans his head on my shoulder as we take our seats next to him, giving him a kiss to as a content sigh escapes his nose. Closing his eyes he snuggles his way deeper into us and the couch as he breathes in all the familiar smells. It took an hour of being home for him to completely relax, still no talking but him being comfortable and looking at you when your talking to him is enough. He's not just staring off into space in fact he even went into the kitchen and started to help Anne and Gemma. To say we were all shocked was an understatement, we were astonished by his sudden comfortable demeanor.

   Reality came back into play when the door bell was rung, he froze and started to shake. Ringing his hands together he scoured the room for a place to hide as tears fall down his face in waves. He successfully finds an empty cupboard under the counter and hides in it all in the span of a minute, the door rattled as he hide behind it from his constant shakes. Anne came back into the kitchen with Lottie right behind her both looking puzzled. She scans around the kitchen hear eye catching at the rattling door. Her face turns from joy to sadness at the realization that Harry was behind it. I walk over to the cabinet door and sit in front of it "Harry, Lotties here to see you. She's the one who rang the door bell and she's terribly sorry she scared you but she isn't going to hurt you. Your safe." Louis tells him. Slowly the door opens and he crawls out, he looks up to see all our eyes staring right back at him. He starts to blush and hide his face in my shoulder from embarrassment, feeling wetness on my shoulder I'm quick to console him with the boys coming over to help. After he's calm and has received a kiss from each of us he makes his way over to Lottie pulling her into a tight hug.

   When dinner was over and Lottie made her way home we were about to when Anne cleared her throat. "Its much to late for you four to be heading home, you four are staying the night at Harrys request." she says while he and Gemma do the dishes "He needs you four, now more than ever." she whispers to us. We give her a nod and make our way over to the siblings to tell them the great news. He was so excited that we would be staying the night he gave Gemma a look and using her mind reading abilities she answers his unasked question. "Go on, I've got the rest." she says receiving a kiss of thanks on her cheek he leads us up to his room. Closing the door he gestures for us to sit as he goes into his ensuite and gets ready for bed. 

   He comes back out in a huge sweatshirt and some sleeping shorts. Going over to his closet, he pulls out sleeping clothes for us in all of our sizes. Handing us each our set of pjs he encourages us to put them on. We do so and all cuddle into his bed. We fall into a comfortable silence just happy to be in each others warmth. A hand that stayed quiet for two months finally arose again making us all listen as to what he's about to say. <I used my wish that night I called you guys, I'm so happy it came true.> he signs before he falls back into a peaceful sleep. We all look at each other and were so happy to finally hear his thoughts that were silenced for months we all went to sleep with only one thought floating around in my head...

  Today went from a bad day to a great day.

Hello World, 

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