Chapter 7

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Harrys POV

                 "Would you also like to give us a shot, like go on a date with us?" Niall asks

     I stood there frozen by the question, should I? They seem really nice... then again he seemed really nice to before he started to change. Gemma decides to answer the question for me like usual except this time she didn't consult me first "He would love too.", "Great! How about this Friday at 7?" Niall jumps to ask. I hesitate for a moment before I nod meekly looking at my feet, "Perfect!" Liam says with a huge smile. "Can we have your number? So you can text us your address so we can pick you up." Zayn asks, I hesitantly nod and scribble down my phone number on a piece of paper handing it over to Louis. "Thanks babe!" Louis says as they get up and start to leave. Once they we gone Gemma couldn't hold back anymore, "HARRY THIS IS AMAZING! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! Those boys really like you I can tell..." she starts to ramble but I loose focus as I hear his voice in my head.

    NO ONE LOVES YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! (slap) I'M THE BEST YOU'LL EVER GET! (KICK) YOUR UGLY, (punch) UNTALENTED,(punch) STUPID, (punch) WORTHLESS EXCUSE OF A HUMAN BEING! As his voice continues to boom in my head I begin to tremble and tears sting my eyes, Gemma immediately notices "Hey, hey he's not here anymore. All the things he told you were lies, your a lovable, kind, smart, funny, talented, gorgeous boy who is loved by so many. You also deserve all the love in the world because you're worth it." she says as she pulls me into a hug and tries to sooth me. I start to sob, I know what he used to tell me are all lies so he could keep me vulnerable but sometimes its hard to remind myself that. He would yell many hateful things at me, day in and day out. He used to say these hurtful words to me for three years but after the help from my therapist Leigh-Anne, I know none of what he said was true. But that doesnt mean his words don't still haunt me. "How about we close early and head over to that little ice-cream parlor down the street?" Gemma suggests knowing that I would never turn down a chance to get ice-cream as she already turned the open sign off and was about to grab our coats. I smile and take mine from her gratefully, <thanks Gem> "Anytime Harry, anytime."

  Just as we reach to parlor my phone starts buzzing like crazy in my pocket. I take it out to see I was added into a group chat with four unknown numbers. I open up my phone to see its those four blowing up my phone with who's who and stuff about our date. I put my phone back into my pocket and continue my way inside. After we get our cones and sit down Gemma asks"So... are they already blowing up your phone?" I nod as I hand over my phone that already has 200+ missed texts I keep getting from them. <Gem... I'm a little nervous... about this date. I haven't been on one in five years, I don't even know if I'm ready for this?> I confess to her, "Harry one, you are more than ready for this date. Two, its okay to be a little nervous everyone get nervous before a first date. Three, these boys are so excited for this date! They aren't him, they actually care about you. But if you feel uncomfortable at any moment just text me and I'll come pick you up. Okay?", <yeah okay> now I just have to wait for Friday...

 Thank God it's Tuesday.

Hello World,

Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer, I promise. Comment down below any ideas for their date! Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment, follow me, vote on the chapter, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four! 

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