Chapter 29

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Liam's POV

   I pass the nursery as I search for Harry as he's supposed to be resting in bed yet when I went in to ask if he needed anything he wasn't there. I could hear the chime of the music box playing in the nursery so I knew right away where he was. The wind gets knocked out of me as I see Harry swaying in the rocking chair looking like a goddess as he talked, TALKED to the triplets. Even though we've known about Harrys knew found confidence in talking for a couple weeks now its still amazes me every time I hear his timid voice. "Babies y-your gonna h-have to cut u-us s-s-some s-slack when y-you three ar-rive. Y-your other f-fathers and I-I h-have no clue w-what we're d-doing, I-I p-p-promise w-we w-will try our b-best." he says barely above a whisper as he smooths over the taught skin on his belly. I stand in the doorway and watch, admiring how strong my love is for being able to talk again.  He truly is the strongest person we know and I'm so glad that he's starting to see himself as that too.

   'Babe your supposed to be in bed.' I say interrupting their conversation after a couple minutes, he nearly jumped from his seat as he was so shocked to see me. <I know.... I just wanted to be in the nursery for a bit thats all. I promise I did nothing but sit right here and talk to the babies, no lifting things or cleaning things.>  he signs as he only truly talks to the babies for the time being. I nod and kiss his temple getting a soft sigh from him as I pull away. 'Come on love, back to bed for you four.' I say slowly lifting him up from his chair and carrying him to our bedroom. 'Please, please ring if you need anything love.' I stress as I set him down gently on our bed, he nods giving me a large grin before picking up his book and starting to read. I slowly back out of the room watching him for any sudden movements of pain. He looks up from his book and shoos me off signing that he was fine at least a million times. I close the door and hope he rings that bell when he needs us, not trying to do something on his own.

   "So was Harry still in bed when you went up to check on him?" Niall asked as he and Zayn were typing up articles for their reports. 'Actually he was in the nursery.' I inform them taking a seat at my desk and starting to research a topic my boss asked me to. They all put a hold on what they were working on instantly as they turn over to me rattling off questions. "Is he okay?"(Zayn) "Is he back in bed resting?"(Niall) "Did he seem in pain?" (Louis) the worriedly asked one over the other, now I kinda understand why Harry hates it when we do this to him. I hate it being done to me now. 'Yes he's fine and back in bed resting. No Lou he didn't seem to be in any pain but I told him to ring if he needs us so keep an ear out for it.' I tell them never once looking away from my screen. "Alright, if he rings we should all go." Zayn says turning back to his chair as we all nod in agreement to his statement.


   The bell rang frantically as I decided to make up some sandwiches, nearly dropping the plate on the floor I run upstairs panicking. Is he hurt? Did he have a contraction? Is he okay? Did his water break? Is one already coming out? These thoughts ran rapid in my head ranging from them being logistical to absolutely ridiculous. I met the others at the bottom of the steps as we make quick pace to get to our room where the bell continues to ring from. Opening the door to see Harry trying to crawl in on himself as he desperately tries to become a ball. Sweat dripped from his face as the covers were kicked off and being held onto in a death grip in one hand while the other held the still ringing bell. 

  "Harry? Harry baby whats wrong?" Louis panics as we go over to the bed trying to get him to look at us. Niall releases Hazza's grip on the comforter replacing it with his own hand as we try to provide any comfort we can. His eyes flutter open after a minute full of groans and panting as he tried to breathe calmly. He untucks himself from the ball and lays flat on his back. His eyes flutter shut as his breathing becomes heavy. I go and grab him a glass of water which he happily excepted, gulping it all down in one go. "Harry please whats going on?" Zayn begs as he takes the bell out of his sweaty hands. 'We don't know how to help if we don't know whats wrong.' I say gently as I'm trying to stay calm for him because if we get worked up he gets worked up. Niall nervously ties his hair up in a bun while Lou turns on the fan trying to provide some cool air for him. Taking a moment he breathes out the two words we're supposed to be ready for... but truly they scare us shitless.

 "I-In.... Labor..."

Hello World,

HE'S IN LABOR, IT'S ALMOST BABY TIME! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry this one was shorter than my usual chapters. This is the last chapter you have to vote names on so please give me some name ideas 2 boys 1 girl! Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four

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