Chapter 20

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Harrys dress and bump size

Liam's POV

   Poor Harrys been on bedrest for a month and it must be driving him absolutely crazy. I mean he's pretty much stuck in the house twenty four seven only being able to move from bed to sofa. Today is his six month check in and hopefully the doctor will give him his permission to no longer be on bedrest. I head up to our room while the boys get the car and everything else ready. I walk in to see Harry fast asleep cuddled up with his pregnancy pillow, I watch him fondly for a moment just seeing his face so relaxed and at ease, I feel really guilty for having to wake him up. I walk over to the bed and lightly shake his shoulder 'Hazzabear its time to get up' <5 more minutes> 'No hazzy you've got to get up now' <two more minutes> 'You'll miss your appointment if I let you sleep for any longer.' with that being said his eyes pop open while he starts to slide over to the edge of the bed. Grabbing his hands I hoist him up without a single wince which he hasn't done for about three weeks, with everything pointing in the right direction I'm sure the doctor will take him off bedrest. After dressing and brushing his hair he waddles his way over and down the stairs without any assistance from me. I catch up as he makes his way into the car, I climb into the back and we're on our way to the hospital.

   "Hello Harry, how are you feeling today?" Doctor Johnson asks pulling his swirly chair over to the examination table <Absolutely amazing!> with that being his response Doctor Johnson looks over at us to see if he's telling us the truth or not. "He gotten a lot better, he no longer winces when he stands up and when I give him back rubs it not as tense as it was before." Louis supplies Doctor Johnson with the information he was hoping for. "That's great! Now Harry if you could just sit up and pull up your shirt to above your bump." Doctor Johnson says rinsing his hands off while Harry does as he's told. After his examination on Harrys back he goes to face Harry with the biggest smile on his face. "Harry, I'm pleased to tell you that you are now officially off of bedrest." Harry starts to bounce up and down on the bed like an excited toddler with the doctors great news. "Okay ready to check out the little ones?" he asks and Harry lays down nodding his head excitedly. With everything being perfect with our babies we were given photos and Harry was told to still take it easy, we take our leave.

   <I'M OFF BEDREST> Harry dances in the front seat still so excited to no longer be trapped in our bed. "Hey Haz, how about we celebrate and go out to dinner tonight?" Niall suggests from the back. Harry contemplates for a moment before he nods his head happy with the suggestion. <Where would we go?> he tilts his head with curiosity taking over his feature 'How about we make it a surprise?' he looks unamused by my answer as we all know very well how much he hates surprises. I chuckle at this pout promising it will be some place nice. When we arrive home Harry gets himself a snack of apples and peanut butter before he makes his way over to the pantry grabbing a recipe book from there. "Harry what are you doing? You may be off bedrest but your still supposed to take it easy" Zayn says as he tries to guide Harry over to the living room, Harry swats at his arm and makes his escape from Zayn. <I've been sitting around for too long.... plus I want brownies. So don't you dare say we'll make them for you because I want brownies not bricks.> making his way around the kitchen gathering the ingredients Louis stood there red from embarrassment as Niall bursts into laughter as he was referring to a previous incident. When his brownies were done and he was his happy pregnant self again we try to guide him over to the couch and this time succeeding.

   "Come on Haz were going to be late to our reservation." Niall yells up the stairs as we all wait at the bottom of it for Harry. Suddenly Nialls eyes go wide as he ducks down a pair of nice heels come hurling down the steps just making it over his head. "Nice going Ni." Louis says shaking his head as Niall just holds up his hands and yelled up a "SORRY!" getting nothing thrown at him this time. Harry descends the stairs moments later looking as stunning as ever in his red dress that perfectly shows off his tummy. "You look Beautiful"(Niall) "Gorgeous"(Louis) "Absolutely Stunning"(Zayn) 'Perfect'(me) each of us place a kiss on his red cheeks as he looks around bashfully, looking for the pair of heels he threw earlier. "Can I see if the slipper fits?" Niall asks pulling the shoes out from behind his back, Harry nods and takes a seat while Niall puts them on. "It fits! Your our princess!" He says helping up a blushing Harry. I wrap my arm around his 'Shall we go princess? Our carriage awaits.' I tease as we make our way out of the house and to the restaurant.

   We take him to the fancy Italian place in town called  Mio' Bella  his face instantly lights up when we pull in front. I hand the keys over to the Valet as Niall helps Harry out of the car, as its getting harder for him to get out of it on his own. The host greets us with a warm smile and leads us to our table. We sit down and wait for our waitress to come over as we scan over the menu. "Hello gentlemen my names Brin and I'll be your sever for the evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?" she asks we nod and as we go down all of our beverage orders it comes to Harrys turn to which he signed what he wanted a cherry soda to me. I was about to tell the girl when I saw her looking at Harry with pity "Poor thing can't even speak. What does he want?" she asks in a baby voice as if she were talking to a child. Taken aback by the unnecessary comment it was a moment before I calmly tell her what he wants. Unfazed that she said something rude she makes her way to go get our beverages. I look over to see Harry sandwiched in between Niall and Louis, the two looking infuriated while discuss how completely unnecessary that was.

   Harry joining in on the conversation completely annoyed by her unnecessary comments when he slowly stopped using his hands as people from other tables stared at him. A few in amazement while the majority just shared a look of pure disgust or pity. Harry didn't talk for the rest of the evening due to everyone ostracizing him. Fed up with the night that was supposed to be special but was ruined by other people we left quickly after the check was paid. As we step onto the sidewalk in front of the restaurant Harry couldn't hold it back anymore he started to silently cry. When he makes a sniffle I pull him into a hug, "Oh Harry." Zayn says as the he, Niall and Louis join our hug. 

   'Haz what those nasty people did was wrong. You are beautiful, kind, caring, funny, talented, and smart but those people were too stupid to notice that. We think that it's amazing that you can communicate with your hands, I mean you taught yourself a whole language within three months. Don't let those people bother you because they are to dumb to get to know you. You. Are. Perfect. and don't you ever forget it.' I tell him as his silent sobs seem to die down we slowly let go to him drying his tears and giving each of us a kiss. "We're so grateful to have you in our lives Hazza, for five years and now your letting us expand our family." Zayn says as even though this isn't going exactly to plan we're still going to make it a special night. "You're perfect the way you are and we thank every universal being out there that we met you that day when we were searching for Lots." Louis explains making Harrys blotchy cheeks turn solid pink. "We love every moment we get to spend with you and if you'd say yes we'd get to spend the rest of our lives together in pure happiness." Niall says making Harry cock his eyebrow in confusion. The four of us line up in front of him and bend down onto one knee making him gasp and smile wider. "Harry will you make us the happiest men on earth and marry us?" we ask as Zayn holds out the ring, it's a ballerina cut... for our ballerina.

 for our ballerina

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