Chapter 15

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Zayn's POV

   "Come on guys if you don't hurry up the bakery will be closed!" Louis stresses as we were tasked with picking Phoebe, Daisy, Ernest, and Doris from their dance academy. Lottie joined for the ride as her and Harry didn't have rehearsal today. "Yeah move or else these guys will start whining." Lottie said getting a laugh from the youngest set of twins while the older two join in the teasing "We yearn for the nectar of his skin!"(Phoebe) "Kiss us. Kiss us as if it were the last time." (Daisy) the two mock leaning against the cubbies with hands over their hearts. 'Alright, alright thats enough' I chuckle at their dramatics as they definitely learned them from Lou. "Whatevers you says Romeos"(Ernest) "Now we has to go to Juliet"(Doris) the younger set sass as the start to walk towards the door laving the four of us speechless as the girls laugh their heads off.

   A very sassy car trip later we've arrived outside of the bakery making us sigh in relief as we're finally able to put an end to the teasing and be with our Hazza. Walking into the delectable smelling shop I could hear the light tapping of pointe shoes coming from what I assume is the back. Anne and Gemma were the ones to greet us an inform us the Harry's in the back making me put together that he must be practicing while he's baking. "Mrs Styles cans you gets Hazza?" Doris asks as Ernest drools over the display case with Phoebe and Lottie. "Of course cupcake I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you!" Anne says cheerfully before disappearing into the back.

   The clicks of the shoes were getting louder as he burst through the swaying doors that lead to the kitchen. His smile grew even brighter when he not only saw us but all of Lous siblings as well. "HAZZA!" the twins scream as they run towards his legs to crush them in a hug, he easily went down to their height and enveloped the two in a large hug. This was the first time since the incident that Phoebe, Daisy, Doris, and Ernest have seen Harry in person instead of FaceTime when they would force Lottie or us to call him so they can say hi. A soft sniffle could be heard from their tight hug making Harry look shocked as he tried to find the source who's creating the tears only to find that its the both of them tearing up.

   <Whats wrong chickadees?> Harry asked to which I translated as the little ones haven't fully learned ASL yet instead only knowing the basics. "Wes just happy you otay Hazza!" Ernest says as he nuzzles his face into the crook of Harrys neck as he searches for comfort there. I could tell by his face that Harrys heart must have fell knowing they're crying because of what that bastard did. He placed a soft kiss on their temples as he swayed the three of them side to side calming the twins tears down to light sniffles. <I'm alright so there are no more need for tears, okay. How about I go get my special munchkins their favorite treats?> Louis retails Harrys words this time to the twins getting excited nods from the pair. Placing one last kiss on their foreheads he walks back into the kitchen en pointe.

   "He's so good with kids." Niall mumbles as we were sadden that the sweet moment between the three was over. "He's always been good with kids cause he loves them, I'm sure if it were up to him he'd have at least fifteen by now." Gemma jokes as she reaches into the display case to get a cookie out for Phoebe. "I think we could manage fifteen." Louis jokes making his sisters eyes widen in shock "More like Harry could as you boys cant even handle one on your own." Phoebe says looking at us like we've lost it. "Well if Harry wanted fifteen then we would have fifteen or more we would have more, anything to make our Hazza happy. Plus who says we could learn, I'm sure we'd be able to get a hang of it after the... fifth? Yeah that sounds right." Niall says making the three of us give him an unimpressed look as I don't think it would take that long for us to figure out how to be parents. "How about you boys worry about putting a ring on his finger." Gemma chuckles as Daisy snatches the brownie from her.

   <Whose fingers worried about getting a ring?> Harry asked as he brought out two yellow cupcakes elegantly decorated in flowers. "Brenda from two doors down, she keeps complaining her girlfriend hasn't put a ring on it yet." Lottie saves our asses from Gemmas set up. Its not that we don't want to marry Harry, quite the contrary honestly but we don't plan on doing late until our two year anniversary. Harry roles his eyes and the two go into a whole discussion on how Brenda needs to chill and that they're sure it'll happen to her soon. Until today I didn't know that Brenda and her girlfriend Cheryl existed until today.

   "Harry Mom wanted me to invite you over for dinner when your done with your shift

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   "Harry Mom wanted me to invite you over for dinner when your done with your shift." Lottie says as we all dove into our delectable sweets. He bits his bottom lip in thought for a moment before glancing between Gemma and Anne as they have a silent communication with their eyes. He slowly nods his head making Doris and Ernest squeal in excitement. "This is great now we don't have to deal with their whining for the rest of the night" Daisy says as she and Phoebe high five each other. Harry silently giggles as the four of us blush from embarrassment, we don't whine we just voice that we miss him when were not near him to everyone in a somberly voice. Harry snaps his fingers getting all of our attentions on him

   <I get off at six and I'm glad to be with my boys too>

Hello World,

Feel free to comment, vote, follow me, check out my other Z.H.C.MP, or do all four! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you can name the two movies Phoebe and Daisy quote from when they were making fun of the boys you'll get a shout out next chapter!😁



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