Chapter 18

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Louis POV

   Harrys really popped over the last month with his now more noticeable tummy he loves to put on display. Always rubbing it or keeping one hand on it he's always touching them. We have our five month ultra sound today so me and the boys are on our way to go pick Harry up from the bakery as he started to pick up more shifts now that he's taking a break from ballet. We pull up and enter only to see Anne at the front, "There are my boys!" Anne says making her way around the counter pulling us into a hug. 'Hello Anne. Is Harry in the back?' I ask, with Anne just about to respond a crash comes from the back. We all look at the door and hurry over to discover what had caused the commotion. 

   We open the door to see our beautiful Harry bent over with a tray of scones scattered around his feet leans against the wall taking deep breathes while rubbing his back. With Gemma at his side asking a million questions to her little brother as he just continued to sign <I'm fine.> over and over when clearly he wasn't. The four of us make our way over to them having Gemma step out of the way and as we take over her spot in order to ask him questions. "Love what hurts?" Liam asks as I rub his back trying to ease the tension I feel in it. <Its nothing, I'm fine. Are you four ready to go?> he asks trying to get the attention off himself as he shuffles out of our grip pain lacing his face with every step he took. 'Baby you don't look alright maybe we should have the doctor check you out before he checks on the babies?' I try to reason but being the stubborn boy he is he shakes his head <No, he's going to check on the babies first. They are more important than me.> he signs as he leans on the counter trying anything he can to ease his back. "Both you and the babies are important and we're getting all four of you checked out." Zayn says as he scoops Harry up who doesn't fight it instead a look of relief graced his features.

   The entire ride to the hospital was filled with silence as Harry sat in the front rubbing his bump. We enter the maternity/paternity floor of the hospital, Zayn and Niall lead Harry over towards the chairs so he can sit while me and Liam check him in filling out all the necessary forms. We just sit down when a nurse comes out into the waiting area calling for Harry. He stands up and winces grabbing his back. Regaining himself he waddles over to the nurse who has a look of concern on her face as he slowly makes his way over with me and Niall looped around his arms trying to support his weight. We make it into a back room where she starts to do the routine checks before she starts to ask Harry about his back. Harry just tells her its nothing to which we cut him off and fill the nurse in about the pain he's experiencing. A look of worry flashes over her eyes when we finish she scribbles down some notes before taking her leave, telling us the doctor would be in soon. When the door shut Harry let out an annoyed huff as he lays back onto the bed <you made it sound worse than it is> he says as he closes his eyes. "No we merely told her what happened and that your in pain." Liam says matter o factly. Niall was about to add on to Liams statement when a knock on the door cut him off. 

   "Hello Harry, you four must be his boyfriends. I'm Doctor Johnson Harrys doctor for the duration of his pregnancy and delivery." he shakes our hands as we each tell him our names "Very nice to meet you four. So, Harry how are you feeling today? My nurse wrote down that you've just recently been experiencing back pains, would you mind sitting up while I take a look at your back?" Harry does as told sitting up on the bed while doctor Johnson makes his way behind Harry. He feels along his spine and lower back which has Harry let out a quite whimpers. He stops and guides Harry back into a laying position "Harry I'm afraid that I'm going to have to put you on bed rest. It seems that your spine is enflamed causing your back pains, now this isn't putting any harm on your babies so theres no need to worry about them being put in harms way." he tells Harry calmly trying not to worry the boy. 

   "It just puts extra unwanted stress on your body so by placing you on bedrest it will decrease the likelihood of a premature labor." he says as he gives Harrys hand a squeeze of reassurance. "Now lets have a look at those three shall we?" he asks pulling over the ultrasound machine as the five of us nod wanting nothing more than to see our three musketeers. He squirts some gel onto Harry tummy causing a shiver to erupt from the boy at the sudden coolness, placing the wand on his tummy he finds our little trio. "There are your little ones, looking as healthy as ever! They're okay Harry, no need to worry. In fact I would even say they look perfect for you being at five months. Would you boys like any pictures?" we nod and he prints out five  as he gives us more instructions on Harrys bedrest. "Now boys just because he's on bed rest does not mean he has to stay in bed all day. He can move from bed to sofa or any other chair in your house just as long as you keep him in comfortable lounging positions. He's not allowed to cook, clean or work until he's been given my okay. He will need help getting from place to place so one of you will always need to be there to help take some of the weight off of his back. If you have any further questions please call me." he says as a nurse comes in with our scans. We thank him and take our leave with Harry in the arms of Zayn being carried bridal style.

  When we get home Zayn picks him up and the five of us move upstairs and settle Harry into bed. <You boys don't have to do this, I can tuck myself in.> Harry giggles as Niall double checks to make sure Harry is tucked and comfortable. "Of course we do Haz! We love you and are going to be treating you like a queen." Niall says as the rest of us nod in agreement. Harry blushes at the statement trying to tell us how sorry was about us have to take care of him. 'Harold Edward Styles you listen and listen good, we are more than happy to take care of you and the little ones because we love you four more than anything in this world. It truly is an honor that we get to take care of you when you take such great care of us.' I tell him softly yet stern at the same time as all of us hold his hands. He tears up at the statement and signs our favorite phrase

 <I love you>

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment down below what you want the babies to be!

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