Chapter 25

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Louis POV

   "Harry if you don't start taking it slower I'll have to put you on bedrest again and I know neither of us would like that." Doctor Johnson said entering Harry's hospital room. About a week after he warned us about Harrys nesting, his nesting only got worse as the days passed. He was overexerting himself and no matter how many times we begged him to take a break he would always refuse. With the continual stress he put on his body day in and day out it was only a matter of time before something happened. That something just so happened to be earlier today. Liam and I were trying to get him to sit down as he made a feast for breakfast. Noticing a bit of imbalance in every step he took, only empowered us to get him to sit fast. Liam just so happened to reach out to grab him and balance him when exhaustion over took him and he passed out. Panicking the four of us quickly race him into the hospital where he was taken by a nurse.

   We weren't able to see him as he had to go through many tests to find out what exactly was wrong with him. We were allowed to see him after an hour of waiting, we walked in to see him peacefully asleep. He woke up not long after panic ridden by the fact he was in a hospital bed. We were explaining everything that happened just as Doctor Johnson walked in. "Hello Harry, hello boys I wasn't expecting to see you four so soon." he says with a smile on his face which helped ease some of our concerns. "Is everything alright? Is he alright? Are the babies alright?" Liam was quick to ask. "Everyone is perfectly fine, Harry just overexerted himself causing the stress to become to much leading to his fainting. Harry just needs to take a step back and not do as much as he was before." he explained calmly having us all let out a breathe we didn't realize we were holding. 

   <Okay, okay I got it. I need to take things slower. But your positive the babies are all a hundred precent okay right?> he asked dismissing the doctors orders as he cares more about the heath of his children than his own. "Yes Harry all three of your babies are perfectly healthy." he said turning up the volume on the ultrasound machine so we can hear the quick drumming of their hearts. Harry face broke out into a wide smile, happy to know his babies are happy and healthy in his tummy. "Now Harry, please just take things easier. Your next appointment is in two weeks. I don't want to see you before hand." Harry nods as Doctor Johnson takes his leave. Each of us looked at each other debating on whether we should say a version of I told you so to him or not. With the pissed off aura he's giving right now we decided it would be for the best if we kept our mouths shut.

   <I cant believe he almost put me on bed rest again!> Harry says as he angrily storms into the bakery wanting nothing but comforting words from Anne and Gemma right now. "Harry dear, are you alright?" Anne asks as she comes in from the back with a tray of scones in her hands. He shakes his head grabbing five scones off the tray and shoving one into his mouth. As Harry steams Anne looks over his head to us for any kind of explanation. "What did they do?" Gemma asked entering the bakery ready to give us an ear full. <They did nothing besides driving me to the hospital.> glaring at us while Gemma and Annes faces turn concerned. "Is everything alright with you and the babies? Why were you taken to the hospital?" Anne asked setting the tray down and coming closer to him.

   <The babies and I are fine. I had a little fainting spell and they freaked out, taking me to the hospital. Where the doctor is now saying I need to calm down on the preparing but how can I do that when theres so much to prepare for!>  he says as his hands worked a hundred miles a minute showing just how aggravated he was over this. Shoving the last scone in his mouth he huffs as he plops down onto a stool behind the desk. He put his head in his hands as he lets out a frustrated sigh. Anne nudges us towards him while they sneak into the back trying to give us some privacy.

   'Harry...' I say as we slowly approach him causing the now teary eyed boy to look at us. Fear danced in his eyes as he looked about ready to bawl. We quickly rush over and engulf him in a hug as he lets the silent sobs loose. Whispering words of comfort in his ear and rubbing his back soothingly we successfully calmed him down enough so we can talk. 'Love, you have us to help you with the preparations of our children. Let us do the house work so you can do the most important job, keeping our babies safe.' I tell him kissing a tear track his wobbly lips slowly upturn into a smile. "Unless you want to keep cooking then I don't think any of us will stop you." Niall jokes getting a little giggle out of Harry as he loves to tease us on our cooking skills.

   "Just no more grand meals okay, easy dinners." Zayn specifies knowing that if he didn't Harry would continue the extravagant meals. <That sounds like a fair trade off to me> he says after whipping the few tears that slipped from his eye with a smile. Smiling back at him we each give him a kiss on the lips then three more to his large tummy. It was pleasant to catch up with Anne and Gemma after calming Harry down. The bakery filled with laughter and coo's as we filled them in on everything baby related. While we talked Harry's eyes began to droop signifying we should take our leave.

   Anne and Gemma seemed to pick up the tiredness of the boy easily put our conversations to rest plowing us an exit. We give a quick good bye before getting into the car and driving home. Harry was fast asleep by the time we got home, with all the pressure he put on himself lifted he's finally catching up on his much needed rest. Zayn carefully unbuckles and carries him into the house, gently setting him down on the bed. "Good night babies." we say after Zayn's done tucking him in, with each of us giving him one kiss to the head and three on his distended tummy we quietly exist the room.

 Happy to hear the quite snores from behind the door.

Hello World, 

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