Chapter 1

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Harry's POV 

     "Your running late" my sister Gemma yelled from the bottom of the stairs, as I'm in my room making sure I packed everything in my bag. After finding my other slipper I shove it in my bag and sprint down the stairs. My foot tripped over the other and sent me tumbling down the stairs. One would think that as a Danseur I would be graceful and elegant. That person would be wrong. My Mom and Gems do tell me I fall with grace and elegance, so I have that going for me. After I gather myself I run into the kitchen to see my mom packed me a bag of snacks, juice and my favorite water bottle that says 'YOU GO GIRL' on it with a golden sparkle design. I try to run out the door but I was caught. "Harry don't think you can run out that door without saying goodbye to your favorite sister" Gemma says from the kitchen table. She stands up and races towards me and gives me a great big bear hug, mom soon enters the kitchen and joins our hug. "Don't forget Harry you have a shift at the bakery at 7, we'll see you there, love you hun" my mom tells me after she gives me a kiss and I'm out the door. 

    As I make my way to the studio I was running my routine in my head. I park my car in the parking lot and make my way into the building. As I'm about to open the door I hear someone shouting my name. I look to my right to see my best friend and fellow dancer Lottie get out of her car with her younger sisters Daisy, Phoebe, Doris, along with her little brother Ernest. I see Doris and Ernest tripping over their little 3 year old little legs trying to run to me. I bend down and pick them up earning squeals and hugs from the twins. Giving them my biggest simile and earning their in return. I look over at Lottie and see she is talking to her mom. Mrs. Tomlinson waves me over and gives me the biggest hello.

   "Hello Harry, I see my little munchkins have already demanded your attention, they wouldn't stop asking if you would be at the studio today..." she says as Lottie butts in saying "to which we told them 'when do we ever not see Harry at the studio' and I think we blew their tiny minds in the realization that your always here". I give a tiny chuckle and I look at the twins in my arms that look a little embarrassed. "Well I must be going now, bye guys don't forget Louis is picking you up today!" Mrs. Tomlinson says as she gets back into Lotties car. Louis... that names sounds so familiar yet I haven't a face to place it with except for a young boys face. I haven't seen him in ages as he was sent off to boarding school at age ten, not to return until now I guess. I give Lots a puzzled look to which she responds "it needs some fixing...... I may or may not have hit another mailbox causing the sensors to break" she says looking anywhere but at me. I let out a chuckle and we make our why into the studio. 

   No one ever comments negatively on my silence, as they all know about... him. The years have been rough so I choose to stay silent as I learned that would make the days some what easier to get by. But its not like I'm completely silent I did learn how to us sign language so I'll use it to communicate. Now I'm fluent and choose to use it instead of my voice, the people I love accommodated to my changes and learned right with me. The only ones who know what I'm say truly are my Mom, Gemma, and Lottie. Lottie translates to the others what I say while her younger siblings try to learn, it quite adorable to see the youngest set of twins trying to sign.

  "Hey babe" Lottie greets her boyfriend of 5 years Nick. His family owns the studio and he works as a receptionist for the place. "Hey love, hey Harry, hey Daisy, hey Phoebe, hey Doris and Ernest." He says as he makes his way over to Lottie to give her a kiss hello. "Harwy can you help me and Ernie put owur stufff awa'" Doris asks me I respond with a smile and we make our ways to the cubbies. They say good bye and run into their class room, I give them a small wave and walk to mine.

   I make my way towards Lottie once I'm in the room. She starts talking a mile a minute about everything from her weekend, family stuff, date nights, ect. She then stops and looks over at me and says "Harry I know you can communicate with me, I want to hear your thoughts." I was about to sign when I was saved by the bell (literally) as Madame walks into the room with her bell in hand. We stand in a line as she tells us our song and roles "Harri' you awe goin' to play ze parte of ze dark prince which iz ze primo danseur of ziz ensamlbe" she announced to the class in her beautiful French accent. Lottie tackles me in a hug telling me how proud she is of me. I sent out a quick text to my mom and gems while I was getting congratulated. After everyone congratulates me Madame starts rehearsals. 

    After rehearsals ends, we wish madame a good night I look at the clock to see its luckily only 6:00. Lots tells me that her brother won't be there to pick them up for another half an hour. I drag her into our favorite studio and finally say something to her. <Lots..> "YAY FINALLY YOU SAY SOMETHING! I was starting to get worried there styles." she interjects<...I want to show you a dance I've been working on in private, I want to show Ms Tia and see if I could be put as a solo in our next hip hop competition we compete in.> I signed. She's nodding her head so fast I thought it was going to fly. "Of course Haz, whats the song I'll put it on the speakers" I tell her the name of the song and start my dance. We fixed up some stuff and I run it one more time before I leave.

(Harrys Dance start vid at 2:30)

   The song sadly ends, I'm in my final pose focusing on my breathing as I stand up and come out of my head. I start to hear four voices, four voices I have never heard before cheering me on. I get started and turn around only to find Lottie yelling at the four for scaring us while they completely ignore her, instead they all focus on me . I start to burn red as I was just caught up in my own little world. I grab my bag and pull my hoodie up hoping I can make it towards the door without being noticed when suddenly I feel a pull on my arm. I turn and see one of the men with blue eyes look into my green. 

"Sorry luv didn't mean to scare ya, you were just to good not to cheer for"...


this is my first ever story and I hope you all like it please leave only nice and happy comments. I hope you enjoy the story because its back!Some things with change others may stay the same... guess you'll just have to read to find out whats new.  Feel free to vote, comment, follow me, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories or all four! 

link to the pic above, also when you see the slippers know that its going to be Harrys POV.

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