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I turned around swiftly only to collide into someone's chest. He grabbed me by the shoulder and I blindly thrashed in his hold.

-End Recap-

"Let go off me! Get your fil-"

"Sugarplum! Calm down. It's me" a familiar voice cooed, cutting me short of distressed state.

I looked up and locked with those deep, nature green eyes that always gave me a sense of comfort. Logan scanned my face intently, concern and bewilderment were evident in his eyes as he tried figuring out what had suddenly gotten into me.

The fear and anguish that had invaded my mind and body had vanished, replaced by something that made me pull him into a tight embrace. Relief washed over me for just a moment before dread took over my senses. I scanned the area, uneasiness forming and twisting my stomach making me exhale deeply.

"Yolanda? Babe? What happened? Talk to me. You're hyperventilating!" He pleaded. His hands were cupping my face in an attempt to snap me out of my shaken state.

"H-He was he--re..." I replied unsteadily.

"Who......" just as those words escaped his lips, a flash of realisation appeared in his eyes. It's like his mind was putting the pieces together. By the change in his mood and look of his deep green eyes, he wasn't happy. He was literally fuming. Hands clenched by his side, I could tell he was struggling to calm down. Very seldom did I see him angry mostly because little things don't provoke him.. but this isn't a petty matter.

"We are going to the police now! No agruments. Let's go," he grabbed my wrist and walked me to his car. I got in obediently with Max. Thankfully the downpour had subsided. The uneasiness in the air was so damn clear. We didn't speak half the trip probably because we didn't know where to ask. Fortunately, he broke the silence first.

"I'm sorry I snapped. I just.... I.. feel guilty for not being there with you. I should've been there for you! If only... it's all my fault!" He ruefully self-blamed himself.
I placed my hand on his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Don't blame yourself... please. It's not your fault. It's no ones fault. It was all skillfully planned by whoever in this town wanted-" I stopped midway, unable to find the right words, words that wouldn't make me sob uncontrollably.

Another long pause.

"Can you tell me what happened? From the beginning " he questioned, his gaze fixed on the road.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair and exhaled the air that I didn't realize I was holding.
With the remaining courage I had in me I told him everything. From the note on my windshield to the meeting at the park.

From the "beat of a retreat" to the running in the rain until getting a free ride. From reaching my safe haven to being imprisoned, threatened and unsafe in my own home. I hadn't noticed that we had stopped right in front of the local police department. A stream of fear took over my senses again.

Who knows what he'll do when he finds out approached the police? What if he hurts my friends? Or Logan? Or worse, my family?

"Nothing is going to happen to us. Stop worrying. Your safety is important......" he turned to face me and took a hold of both my hands before continuing, " I won't let him hurt you... as long as I'm here. Now come on!" He reassured me , his gaze glued to my face, studying each part of it.

The first thing I noticed upon entering through the doors was the overall surrounding.

Everything seemed well organized except for the tiny detail that the officers looked quite... miserable. No offense though and I'm not being judgy but it's true, they look weary. I don't why but that itching feeling of being watched crept into me again. I tried ignoring it but it just wouldn't go away. Logan must've noticed my nervous state and squeezed my hand in a act of reassurance.

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