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~Logan's POV~

Time: 7:10pm

A strong whiff of resinous coffee tickled my nostrils. It's almost nutty aroma awakening my senses. The traffic packed roads. The slight eeriness of the street lights. The busy strangers scurrying back home in this autumn season.

Droplets of rain trailed down the window pane that overlooked the bustling life below. Such is life. Normal routines that bring about happiness is suddenly brought to a halt when a storm whirls that 'routine' and you loose something or someone.....

I sipped the cup of black coffee in my hands, the bitter taste of it kept watchful. I ran my fingers through my hair, glancing at the four cups of coffee I consumed in the past hour. As much as I want slumber to overtake me, my heart is adamant to despise it. How can I sleep peacefully knowing my love is still out there? In the hands of a monster!

My thoughts were interrupted when someone walked into the room. I didn't have to look back to confirm who it was.

"Anything?" I asked longingly. His silence answered my question, making me face him in response.

His gaze fixed on the floor. "We don't have anything as of yet but we're trying to find any of his close associates that may have some idea of his location...."

"Roads have been closed off, limiting entry and exit out of town. Quinn is addressing the press as we speak. It's vital that the public is aware and alert" James added.

I simply nodded in response, glancing outside the window again.

"We'll find her. That's a promise" James reassured.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Detective. It's been two weeks and you've got zero witnesses, zero leads" I replied quite bluntly.

James averted his gaze to the floor, sighing in response.

"We're doing our best. You should go freshen up a bit and get some rest. You look weary" I smiled at his words.


The door swung open, revealing a panting nurse who looked to be in her early thirties.

"Logan?" She asked when she finally caught her breath.


"Please hurry! Come with me" She spoke hastily and ran off.

I glanced at James confused and blotted out the room with James tagging behind. She was waiting outside Mr. Woods room. My brows creased in perplexity and was about to ask her when loud sobs caught my attention.

What happened!?

I strode into the room, my heart dropping to my stomach. I couldn't believe the sight before me. Mr. Woods held Susan in his arms weakly.

He's awake!!

"What? H-How?" I stuttered in disbelief at the sight before me.

"Well, a coma usually only lasts a few weeks, during which time the person may start to gradually wake up and gain consciousness, or progress into a different state of unconsciousness called a vegetative state or minimally conscious state. It's very rare but
Mr. Woods here so happened to be the lucky few that gained consciousness" the doctor informed with a beam.

Daniel Woods smiled brightly, lifting his arms shakily for an embrace. Within seconds I held him gently, embracing the man who had been asleep for almost a month now.

When I pulled away, his eyes wandered around the room as if in search of someone.

"W-where's Yolanda?" He asked in a hoarse voice. I froze, slowly processing his question in my head. With my galloping heart, I gazed at Susan whose gaze dropped to the floor.

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