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~Brian's POV~

Trickles of blood oozed out of the wound Yolanda inflicted. It took me a while to shake off the haziness and gain focus again. By the time I did, I heard a thud. Glancing in the direction of the sound was Yolanda, sprawled on the ground unconscious. I sprung to my feet and hurried over to her still body.

"Yolanda! Cupcake! Hey! Wake up! Are you alright?" I asked, checking her for any injuries. A bump was on her forehead.

I instinctly glanced at the pillar.

How could you not see that Yolanda? Clumsy as always.

I quickly checked her pulse.

Normal. Check normal pulse rate...

It's humorous, at least to me that a while ago I was groaning in pain and now here I am, ignoring my own pain to make sure she's fine.

Such is love....

That's when I noticed I had touched her face with my bloodied hands. My eyes flickered to her lips that were painted with my blood. The urge to wipe the smear off her mouth with my own was great but I resisted.

I scooped her into my arms and placed her on the couch. Might as well get myself patched up before she's awake. I headed down the hall, and into my room.

I glanced at myself in the mirror. My green shirt was stained with blood. Red fluid still trinkled down my forehead. I grabbed the First Aid kit that was stashed in the cupboard.

I wiped the wounded area clean with a damp cloth. Blood from the cloth mixed with the running water swirled down the sink. The cut required stitching. Lucky for me, I know how to stitch. My aunt back in New York is a nurse, she had taught me a thing or two to take care of myself and how fortunate am I to take those lessons.

I first irrigated the wound with boiled water from the flask. Then I sterilized the needle and thread first in boiling water for a few minutes then submerged it into rubbing alcohol.

After attaching the suture to the needle, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, and began the procedure. I winched as the needle pierced into my skin. My blood boiled as I thought of Yolanda's sudden outburst.

Calm down Brian. She's just perplexed and brain washed. She'll understand soon, just give her time and love....

I immediately cooled off, sticking to the positive thoughts. Generally when you stitch, you want the stitches spaced a quarter-inch from each other and from the skin edges, which should just barely touch (the skin shouldn't pucker.) Then tie the suture with a surgeon's knot off to the side so it doesn't touch the wound and voila! You've stitched up your wound like a surgeon.

Squeezing some antibacterial ointment onto a cotton swab, I treated and applied it on the stiched wound then covered it with a clean ban.


I smiled at my work and disposed my bloody shirt. Striding back to the lounge, I gazed longingly at her sleeping figure. She was curled up into a ball, trying to warm herself up. I walked to the fire place, stacked wood into it and lit it up.

That should keep you warm.

The urgency to cuddle her in my arms and plant kisses on her face grew dangerously stronger, so I averted my gaze towards the kitchen.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I retrieved it and answered the call.

"Tell me you've got good news.." My eyes glued on Yolanda.

"Uh..... well I do but it ain't good. Cops are all over the place, dude. It's clear they know it's you. Your house is heavily guarded and so is, unfortunately for you, the hangar. You should have left earlier...." I gritted my teeth in rage.

"She was knocked out cold! Plus the damn pilot had an errand to attend to!" I spat but calmed quickly when Yolanda stirred.

"Ok. Ok. Calm down, will ya. Jeez!"

"What about the package?" I asked, brushing my dirty blond tousled hair backwards.

"Oh don't worry, it'll arrive. You know I can't get my boys to deliver it so a ordinary delivery guy will..." I could sense his cocky grin through the phone.

"Fine. Thanks for updating me. Chat later..." I concluded.

"Oh and Brian... stay in hidding for now. Things will ease off soon. We're working on the diversion. It'll draw those lousy pricks away...." I grinned slyly before ending the call.

Retrieving an ice pack from the refrigerator, I returned to her and sat on the coffee table across her. I wrapped a thin cloth around the pack and placed it tenderly on her head.

She stirred a bit but then relaxed. That's when I realized I hadn't put a shirt on.

Oh well.... its just us anyways.

The negatives and positives clashed in my head, which resulted in the awakening of a headache.

She won't love you Brian. She won't especially with Logan still there. He stole what's rightfully yours and now she's trapped.

No she isn't trapped. She just needs guidance Brian. Take it slowly. Treat her the way she needs to be.

With Logan still alive, she'll never love you! Never. One thing's clear, you have to get rid of Logan...

No! Getting rid of Logan will break her heart. You don't want to hurt her, do you?

Do what's right Brian. Kill Logan. Remove him from her life. Once and for all.....

Don't Brian. Think rationally. Killing Logan won't gain her but push her away.

You will gain her if you remove the thorn from your rose. Do it! Kill him!

The good and bad battled intensely in my head.

I walked over to the floor to ceiling windows and sighed in frustration.

"I'll give her time... to forget her past... until everything eases off..... but..... if.... if she remains adamant, I guess she'll leave me no choice.." I whispered to myself, gazing at the tranquillity
of the azure lake.


Ciao gente fantastica! ( Hello amazing people!)

Hope you're well. This is just a short chapter, I don't why but I felt the need to give an insight of Brian's.... mind.

Thank you all for your continual support and love.

Anyways... take care.

God bless you all❤❤❤

Until the next chapter....

Arrivederci!!! ( Italian)

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