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It's been three days since the "call". I ended the call and blocked the number right after what he said. His words still echo through my head-

"Oh for taking care of Ryan and Derek.."

I think I've blocked his number thrice or twice but he just can't leave me alone. Is my unknown caller the mysterious killer? Did he kill them? Or I am being paranoid?

"Darling? Hello? earth to Yolanda!", my head snapped towards my mum who had been talking about something that I didn't pay attention to. I gave a weak smile. She walked over to me and hugged my shoulders.

"Are you ok honey? You seem a little.... quiet. Did anything happen between-

" No.... I'm fine.... Logan and I are fine too. It's just that I'm a little tired that's all" I replied as meekly as possible.

She didn't interrogate me any further because my dad had walked in with bags of groceries. My parents had decided to stay over for the weekend which I'm really grateful they did because I'd go insane if I was alone... with my thoughts.

"Oh and Yolanda... one more thing. Before we leave there's pasta from last night in the fridge so make sure to finish it off, ok?" She informed while planting a kiss on my forehead. I pulled her into a hug and held on to her for a bit before pulling away. I hurriedly drove off to school in hope to get my mind cleared from all the events.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket as I entered through the school doors. A new message from..... Unknown-
[Unknown:] Good Morning beautiful! Might I say , that blue trench coat looks stunning on you 😍.

I suddenly felt cold even though I was wearing a damn coat. I don't know why but I turned around to scan the car park, the street. No one... no one who looked out of the ordinary. What are you looking for anyway? You think this prankster is going to show themselves that easily? Nope! But... what if this is not a prankster? What if-
"Snap out of it!" I quietly scolded myself. Just then , entering through the school doors , came Adam. He walked past me , turned around and flashed a grin at me. I didn't return it back because I was still pissed at him and then this...
Wait a minute! What if Adam is the one who's bothering me? No.. he wouldn't do that, would he?
I threw all these thoughts aside and walked to my first class.

<Lunch Period>

Lily and Sandra were busy blabbering away about this weekend's plans as I blankly stared at the meal in front of me. There's just so much in my head right now that I've lost my appetite. Blake came over and sat beside me, she gave me a worried look then cleared her throat to get Lily and Sandra's attention.

"We need to talk..." she said looking around the room to make sure no one was looking.

"About what?" Lily asked nonchalantly.

"Haven't you been watching the news?" Blake informed sounding a bit apprehensive.

They both shrugged and fell silent. Their gaze all landed on me. I looked up at them wearily.

"What?" I asked , annoyed by their stern gaze.

"Is it ok if we meet up at your place for the talk? I don't think it's wise to do this in school.." Blake asked quietly.

I simply nodded in response. Logan and Brian joined the table right after that. He gave me a chaste kiss and pulled me closer to him the whole of lunch period. He saw my worried state and I appreciate him not asking anything in front of my friends. Should I tell him? No! It's just a prank... nothing to worry about.. it's not like someone is stalking you?

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