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*Warning! The following content may be disturbing. So please read at your own risk... you have been warned!*

~Unknown's POV~

Is it a crime to love someone so dearly? Is it a wrong to let your heart skip a beat or two for a person you love?

These thoughts ran through my head as I laid on my bed looking at all the trophy photos I'd taken of her. Why doesn't she notice me? Why is it that she had to date Logan and not me? Both anger and sadness clashed inside of me as I thought of her relationship.

You need to let her know that you love her..... you need to claim what's rightfully yours.... she's your girl..... and she loves you too... but she can't admit it because she's scared she'll hurt the ones around her...

I smiled at the thought of it. Even though it's just a theory, it's the most acceptable idea my brain can agree with and reasonable explaination for all the pondering my head keeps doing. She's the only person and everything in my mind. She does love me... she's just hiding it because she doesn't want to hurt the stupid arse Logan....

Don't worry baby.... we'll be together soon...

I have to figure out a way to get to her...
More like take her..

I looked over at the bloody t-shirt across the room.
The worst part of committing a crime is covering it up, to make sure there's no evidence that will lead to you.

I inhaled deeply as if to calm the rising anger in me as I replayed the events of the day before. It was satisfying to see them in pain but then again the clean up was the major issue.

I closed my eyes and watched the images play in my mind's eye.....

A day ago...

It had been quite easy to kidnap them actually. They were both too wasted to realize what was happening. They were headed somewhere, my guess, a party when I pulled over my car , knocked them both out with my handy baseball bat and dragged them into my car. Thankfully it had been past eleven where the town is already asleep.
I did make sure that no one was around before I pounced.

It was hard dragging them from the garage to the basement which was way too far. Why did it have to be that freaking far?
Nevertheless, I'm glad I was there when these two bothered Yolanda but let's not go there.

Now, strapped to a metal table , the two brothers appeared so helpless and vulnerable. That is the consequence of laying a hand on my cupcake.

I heard the black haired one groan and shift a bit. He's eyes shot open and closed again due to the bright light. The blond also opened his eyes slowly and looked around wearily. Panic was evident in his eyes.

Once I knew they were both fully awake I cleared my throat and spoke-

"Well, well, well.. I thought you'd never wake up..." I said , getting their attention. They both appeared perplexed and struggled roughly against the straps.

"Don't bother trying... I made sure to secure you both properly." I said causing the blond to give a glare at me.

"What? You think binding us proves your power over us? Well you're dead wrong..." He spat the words out in frustration.

"It shows you're just a weakling... " the black haired one said. He broke into an insidious laughter. I chuckled menacingly and he instantly stopped and stared at me in bewilderment.

"Shut up Ryan! Your humor is going to get us killed!" The blond commended the dark haired dude who didn't seem to bother what his brother said.

"Oh no, no.  You see, that's where you're wrong.I'm doing this because you harmed someone very special to me and you have to pay the price. To me, you both appear miserable.." I replied almost giddliy.
They looked dumbfounded at first but their expressions changed to anger.

"What the heck did we do to you?" The blond asked calmly. At least some sense is getting to him... or should I say fear.

"Well... let me see. You hurt my love-"

"Wait a minute! Is he talking about the girls that day at the parking lot?" The blond asked his brother expectantly.

"The ones that we mistook? Oh and the one I punched! Yea I remember now" the dark haired one mocked as my blood began to boil.
This guy really knew how to pull my nerves..

"Tsk Tsk Tsk , seems like you don't regret your actions. Remorse is given to those who show it and apparently you didn't.." I said while my hands brushed over the tools on the table stand. Their proud eyes were replaced with fear and dread.

My fingers gripped onto the pliers and I played around with it, pressing the two handles together to open and shut them.

"What's your names?" I asked , my gaze fixed on the pliers.
They looked at each other , somewhat deciding on who should reply.

The blond answered, "I-I'm Derek a--and th--is is my br-oth-er... R-yan" he shakily replied.

"Well then Derek and Ryan... let the fun.... begin!" I said excitedly.

"So... who should i start with first?"


Bonjour homies!🤗😎

How's it been? I apologize for the late update..... life's.... busy...🤐

Anyways how was this chapter? I can't wait for the climax 😀😀.
Again comment on who this Unknown is ? And if you have any suggestions then again comment section....

119 reads??? Like omg! I can't thank you enough.... keep reading for more and also refer my book to others🤗..

BTW who has watched the Kissing booth 2? I won't place a personal statement because I don't want to spoil the movie for those who haven't watched it... go check it out!!!

Love you all.... be a light in this dark world guys...🕯💡🕎

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