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~Sandra's POV~

I plugged in my earplugs and closed the front door behind me. It was still pretty early and chilly but that won't stop me from a nice morning jog.

This is my daily morning routine before heading off to school. Though, this is the first time I have and will jog this early. My usual time is 6:10am but today it's 5:15am. Just when the vibrant colors of the sun slightly become visible.

I stretched for a bit to warm up before taking off. My body moved to the beat of the sound track by The Weekend- Blinding Lights.

The fog was beginning to clear up making it easier for me to see. Droplets of sweat trinkled down my face and neck as I increased my pace, almost into a sprint.
I savored this moment of peace and luckily there wasn't any other early walkers in sight.

Thank goodness!!

I slowed my pace once I neared the park. I looked around. Just me, myself and I. I smirked at the thought and went into the park, trying to catch my breath.

Placing my hands on my hips, I took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I removed the strands of  blond hair that stuck to my forehead. I glanced at my watch. Time read 5:35am.
That was fast. It usually takes me 30 minutes to reach the park. Wow! That's an achievement.

I mentally celebrated my little achievement before continuing the jog through the park.
Ok. Through the park then cut past Foxglove Avenue. Then cross over to Seafront lane? The usual route? Or through High street that opens out to Oakhill street then follow the shortcut path back home? I do have the time....
Option two it is!

The soundtrack switched to Bludfire by Eva Simons. I tried controlling my breathing as I increased my pace once again, cutting left of the park towards high street. As I crossed over, I couldn't help but notice a black Lexus? Or Mercedes? I don't know! I'm not an expert in car models. Let's call it vehicle. Simple! Anyways....

The black vehicle was slowly trailing behind me. When I stopped and turned to look the vehicle would halt dead in its tracks too. A weird, uncomfortable feeling tickled my stomach and it suddenly felt cold.
Nevertheless, I ignored the negatives and continued jogging. You're imagining things. It's just a person wanting to start an early day of work.

Paranoia captured my senses. No one's watching you, you little scardy cat. The vehicle is not-
I stopped in my tracks once again when I saw the vehicle a few metres away from me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat  and tried hard not to shake.

Something is definitely wrong. Call someone? What if it's a false alarm and I'm being paranoid for no reason? Look, Oakhill street is right up ahead. Follow the shortcut path and get home.

I turned around, breathed in hard, ready to take off in a sprint. As soon as I took off, I heard the roaring of an engine not far from me, speeding up to meet my pace. My heart dropped when I saw the vehicle right across me. Now I really wish the 'early walkers' were here.

I sprinted down the shortcut path as the vehicle continued stalking me, moving in speed. I stopped abruptly at the corner, looking across to the opposite street, my street. The vehicle slowed down. I closed my eyes expecting someone to get out of the vehicle to harm me or even rob me! I was surprised to hear the zooming off of a car right past me, turning the corner towards Dean Avenue. I sighed in relief, mentally slapping myself for being so paranoid. Probably a drunk? Or a fellow wanting to mess with a sexy jogger? I instinctively flipped my hair at that thought while crossing over to the other side of street. My street.

I walked a few steps before deciding to cross on to the other side, where my home rests. As I crossed, tires screeched against the asphalt, making me face in that direction, which I regretted doing. My eyes widened as the same black vehicle charged towards me.

Before I could react, something hard crashed into me. I felt my body move in the air before landing on the concrete. My body was thrown about two feet away from where I stood before. Moving felt impossible. It's as if a ton of bricks got thrown over me. Every part ached. I feared that I might make the pain worse by moving too much, so I tried to remain still. My vision was all blurry and distorted. For a minute I saw stars and bright lights but after a while it disappeared. Thinking was out of the picture since everything seemed fuzzy up in the noggin.

I heard a cry of pain. Was that me? I still couldn't think clearly. I tried speaking but I choked on my own saliva. I inhaled deeply which felt exceptionally difficult.  Am I dead? No, you genuius! Another sudden surge of pain slowly and agonizingly moved through me. Another cry. Is that still me?

I tried moving but my body refused to obey any commands,  instead it became enslaved to the agony. I blinked several times to clear my vision. Somebody help me. Please.

Even if I was saying something, I wouldn't know anyway because I hardly heard a thing. My head burned like someone threw hot coals on top of it.

All I could remember before I passed out was the feeling something being placed in my hand and a hooded face staring down at my frail and bloodied state.


Hello lovelies!!

Hope you all are both well and safe. Continue to be.

So.. here's the next chapter, will probably finish the next chapter by this week... hopefully. I know this chapter doesn't have much but I assure you the next chapter will have loads😏

How was this chapter? Who would hurt Sandra? Keep your assumptions & suggestions rolling in 😁😁
Also... sorry if the chapter may seem short which it is.

By the way, just out of interest, has anyone here heard of the series "Shadow and Bone"? If you have, high ten to you. If not, then do check it out.


If you liked the chapter, give it a vote. If not, don't bother reading again (*jokes), leave a comment. If you don't wanna vote or comment then thank you for reading anyway.

Correct my imperfect writing humans if you wanna. Not a total professional so point out my spelling & grammatical errors!!

Thanks for reading. Stay safe. There's more where that came from😉

God bless you all.
Byeeeee until the next update.

Happy Reading everyone!🤓


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