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~Yolanda's POV~

Time: 10:12am

Bringing life into the world is such a painful process for a mother. After a child is born, the difficult stages to raise the child presents itself as another challenge. The wise King Solomon wrote in one of his  books, Ecclesiastes, that "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born and a time to die........"

Just as difficult is life brought about, however it can be taken away within minutes. Was that delivery man supposed to die? Was that his ultimate end in his life? Did he deserve that?

I pondered on these questions as I continued shedding sorrowful and fearful tears. An hour had sped pass, quicker than lightening, after the horrendous incident.

With frustration burning in my heart and fear surging through my veins, I screamed again and again, as guilt got the best of me. I glanced at the tub that had nearly filled with water again. After turning off the faucet and pulling the foot plug to release the cool water, I shakily strode to the door to double check if indeed it was locked. Once the water drained, I pushed down the foot plug and turned on the faucet again before sitting back down to weep and scream again.

This is what I have been doing repeatedly for the past hour. Shedding agonizing tears, frightened screams, running  water to drown those screams, checking the doors and repeat.

I didn't want him to hear me. I didn't want that monster to come here.. ever. If only the earth opened up and swallowed me, hiding me from a murderer.

A faint knock on the door caught my attention. I scrutinized the door, hoping that my mind was playing tricks on me. Another knock echoed in the bathroom. 

"Cupcake? Can we talk please?" Brian cooed from the other side of the secured door. The door knob rattled a bit, my whole body becoming stiff in the process.

"Yolanda? Please open the door. I just want to talk...." his words dripped with vexation.

Choosing to remain quiet, I couldn't help but quiver as I stood on my feet.

The door knob shook violently as I backed up against the wall, heart pounding intensely in my chest.

"Yolanda! Open this door or else- I'll count to three and this better be open! One.... two..... three!" A powerful kick was delivered to the door, instantly causing it to crash down.

"Stay away from me! Away!!" I screamed in horror as he approached me menacingly. The air that surrounded him was sinister as he stared at me with wild eyes. In an expeditious move, he grasped my face with a firm grip, making me yelp in pain. 

"Let go off me you monster!!" I yelled at his face forcing him to tighten his grip.

"I know you're scared and in shock but that doesn't give you an excuse to talk to me like that!" He fired back in rage. I suddenly felt petite before him, even though I already am in stature but in terms of confidence, he dominated.

Despite that, I threw frail punches to his chest and face, engaging in a tussle to be free of his grasp. 

"Stop struggling Yolanda!" He warned but did I heed?
No! I wanted to get away from this psycho now!

Mustering up enough strength, I delivered a blow to his jaw making him lose his grip on me. He held his jaw and massaged it gently. I didn't wait long for his next reaction so I bolted for the door. Only managing four steps away from my original position, I was brought to a halt. He had locked his arms around my waist, pulling me back into his chiseled torso. Startled by the swift move, I shrieked and kicked in the air as he lifted me off the ground

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