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By the time I reached my safe haven, I was absolutely exhausted. My entire body ached especially my head and feet. I almost collapsed outside my door but managed to get inside the house and lock the door securely.

I just sat there, on the floor, my back resting against the door as my mind tried to make sense of what happened... of what would have happened tonight.

After running out of the amusement park I didn't stop once nor did I look back. I just kept running, afraid that he'll get me. I actually consider myself lucky for escaping him... whoever that 'him' is...

Who knows what could have happened if I made the slightest mistake or wrong decision. What were his intentions? Murder me? Like he did to Derek and Ryan? Is he even the 'Unknown' who murdered Derek and Ryan? Or somebody else? What I don't get is why this person would want me dead? I tried thinking of any possible enemies who could do such a thing but to be really honest I lack enemies apart from a few girls who envy me and Logan.

I'm really surprised my body didn't give up on me especially after running for my life. I feared he was right behind me. I feared that he would chase after me in his or my vehicle. Just because the location of the amusement park was on the other side of town, there weren't many people living on this side. So whoever this creep was, really planned everything precisely and he definitely knew what he was doing. To top it all off, the downpour exacerbated. The
thunderclaps intensified, startling every nerve in my body.

I felt cold, scared, and vulnerable. I wish this was a bad dream that I could wake up from. I wish my parents were here to help me. I wish Logan was here to keep my warm. Just when all hopes seemed lost, a vehicle drove towards me.

A spark of energy and hope ignited within me that I ran towards the vehicle just to stop it. The vehicle halted and I rushed to the driver side window.

The driver was an elderly man but I could still see the young boy in him,yearning to be in his train set. He had a mop of grey and black hair, his twinkling brown eyes gave off kindness which gave me reassurance that I'll be safe. He actually didn't look a day older than fifty. A look of worry crossed his slightly wrinkled face, like he was analyzing me. I wouldn't blame him.

Even though I haven't seen myself in the mirror I can tell that I look terrifying. Like a patient that broke out of a psychiatric hospital. He gave me a warm smile before offering me a ride home. I obviously didn't refuse.

I know, I know, why the hell are you hitching a ride from a stranger? Well, I've had a real crappy night and I don't give a damn if I'm getting a ride home by a stranger. As long as I get home, that's it.

I got into the car and told him my address. There was a awkward silence for the first ten minutes until he started conversation. I learned that his name was Winston. He was just heading out of town to celebrate his families reunion after five years. He told me that he was excited to meet his new grandson, Timothy, who was just above five months and already started with the baby talk. I felt really bad bacause I was the reason he'd be late for his reunion. I was the reason he'd drive all the way back. I was the reason for soaking his car seat with my drenched self.

I grew fond of Winston. He may be old but he can crack great jokes. I told him my name and shared a little about my family. I hoped he wouldn't ask but he did. He asked why I was on the other side of town and what was I doing there.

I felt my heart rate race again. I felt so calm with him that I'd almost forgotten of tonight's events. Would he believe me? Should I tell Winston? If I tell him then I'll have this heavy burden lifted off of me but even if I tell him he'll either think I'm nuts or I could possibly put his life in potential danger....

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