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Brian's POV

A smile crept onto my lips as i saw her perplexed eyes flutter open in haste. As if awoken from a very terrible, and awful nightmare. It surely isn't a lie though. Her amber eyes wandered around the room before settling on me. Her angelic face seemed stunned.

I plastered a smirk whilst folding my arms across my chest, gazing intently at her. She had not uttered a word, either in fear or disbelief or probably both. I slightly tilted my head as she glanced around the room for a brief moment before landing on me again. She had been out for a while now, I just hope it isn't as a result of my technique or maybe it was the sedative. I kept observing her in the silence, awaiting for her to ask the million questions boggling her brain. At first it seemed difficult but now I could read her easily. The trick I pulled off has left her make reality become surreal. Judging from the many times she has inspected her body, she's trying to recall her last memory from when she passed out but cannot decipher between what she saw in her slumber and the facts laid before her very eyes. All her confusion appears rather cute. 

"You must be hungry. Let's have dinner shall we?" I reached out to grab her hand but she quickly pulled away. She stood up with wobbly legs and backed away.

"Th-this isn't real. This can't be real! I-I shot you! I-I got wounded! Logan. H-he came for me...." her breathing became ragged.

"Tirzah... calm down. Steady breaths, ok?  " I slowly moved towards her and held onto her. She seemed to be  hyperventilating as I tried calming her down.

"Tell me this is just a nightmare....." she finally looked up at me with desperate,  teary eyes.

I felt a pang of guilt at that moment. All I wanted was her happiness. Unfortunately, I assumed my happiness would be hers. Regret squeezed the air in my chest as I wondered on the thought of 'what if's'. What if I hadn't done all this? What if I left her to be happy? What if I allowed myself to move on?
I shook these unsettling thoughts in mind and focused on the present. Right now, it's just us. Tirzah and I. Us and the future. That's how it's going to be.

"Cupcake.... you just awoke from your nightmare a while ago.."


We sat across each other on the dining table. Her plate remained untouched as her gaze fixated on the meal.

I sensed she had questions for me but hesitation prevailed against her courage.

"You're definitely wondering how i did it?" I clasped my hands together on the table and gazed at her. She bit her nails before hesitantly glancing up at me.

"When I moved away, apart from school my parents engaged me into extra curricular activities and studies because even they observed my anger issues and isolation...." I stood up and walked towards the sink.

"I tried carpentry but became bored of it. Swimming but my parents pulled me out as soon as they discovered that I got involved with bad company. I tried gardening, basketball, drama, art, dancing, pottery but I just couldn't settle in well. Anyways after all that, I finally became acquainted in archery. I also took up private lessons on psychology. One lesson in particular I rather enjoyed and became well equipped with. Hypnosis. You do what that is, right?" I turned to face her but she chose to remain silent.

"Well I'll tell you anyway. Hypnosis is a mental state of highly focused concentration, diminished peripheral awareness, and heightened suggestibility as my teacher stated. In fact I became so good at it that I was referred to be trained by a professional hypnotherapist-"

"So you hypnotized me?" She finally glared up at me.

"Well yes. Hypnotic visual hallucinations to be precise. It'd been a while since I've done it but I think I still got it.." her cold eyes were fixated on me which appeared quite amusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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