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Why is it that whenever you experience something horrific that the weather acts like your mood?

That's certainly my case. The rain is currently coming down in torrents. The sound of thunder boomed through my quiet room, startling me a little. After the "call" I planned to stay home and sleep all day but unfortunately slumber isn't known to my body at the moment so I fought the strong urge to stay. I think it would be far better if I had my friends around me, to keep my mind off things a little. I have a feeling that if I stayed any longer in this room I'd probably lose my sanity.

I brushed my hair and tied it up into a messy bun. I grabbed my keys and book bag while slipping into my peach zip-up hoodie and ran downstairs. I made sure to feed Max before grabbing my umbrella and locking my front door. I ran to my car and got in with ease. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on getting myself into "school mode" but I couldn't. My mentality is disturbed by that....creep. I suddenly felt like running back into the house and skipping school but I knew that if I would I'd think about this even more. I started my car and backed out of the drive way.

The down pour was getting worse now. As if the heavens were telling me to stop and go back. Lighting flashed across the grey clouds as I quickly drove to my destination. Maybe it's my creeped out side speaking or it's the effect of such a gloomy weather or both but I had a really bad feeling that.... something would happen today.

I literally ran across the parking lot and inside the school. I nearly tripped and almost fell (due to my wet shoes) but strong arms caught me just in time. I turned my head to see my saviour.


He smirked at me with his gorgeous lips and his green eyes turned a lighter shade of green. He held me in his arms for what seemed like eternity. I wiggled out of his arms, earning a light chuckle from him.

"Hey, what are you doing this early in school?" I asked while opening my locker.

"I could I ask you the same thing but well I'm here cause Caleb wanted to meet up here and talk about something.... apparently he's not here" he replied , annoyed by the fact that his friend didn't show up.

"I missed my beauty sleep because of him" he said sassily while playfully flipping his hair.
I giggled at his action and noticed Brian coming our way.

"Hey!" I said as he reached us.

"Hey you two! What are doing here this early?" He asked , giving us both a questioning look.

"Um..... I just wanted to come early today.... because...... of the weather " I said while pointing outside.

"Ok........ Anyways talk to you later!" Brian exclaimed as he speed-walked down the hall. Students started filling in the once empty halls so Logan and I just stood by my locker and talked until the bell for the first period rang.

As I headed towards my next class, I felt a weird feeling.... something I've never felt... the feeling of being watched. You're being paranoid Yolanda! I listened to the voice in my head and shrugged the feeling off.

<Lunch break>

The weather outside had changed dramatically. Almost as if it didn't rain at all. The room became increasingly noisy, slightly deafening. I could barely hear what Blake was saying. Something about a picnic? I really don't know and I pretended that I understood her. Logan was busy talking to Brian while Lily and Caleb kept cuddling each other. Sandra didn't come to school today. She got down with a nasty flu and that she'd probably visit the doctor too.

"Yolanda! Are you even listening to me?" Blake snapped her fingers in front of my face, he bringing me back to reality.

"Uh... sorry. Just thinking of Sand... maybe we can pay her a visit?" I asked her while scanning the room. My eyes locked with Adam who kept staring between Blake and I. I looked away and waited for a reply.

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