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~Tirzah's POV~

Most people strive to do the right thing.

In order to do the right, one must make a decision. A decision that'll determine whether you have done right in your own eyes or in others view point.

Everyone wants to make wise decisions but sometimes, sometimes circumstances can be such that it can push you to make choices outside your bubble and state of humanity.

When placed in a certain situation that your body naturally detects as 'danger', the body faces a physiological reaction known as Acute stress response or the 'fight or flight response'. Either you choose to flee for safety or stay put and combat the issue.

I chose the latter but why do I feel like I've done wrong?

Part of me sighed in relief and the fear that once gripped my heart, evaporated. Though it may seem awful to perceive this way but I felt overwhelmed with joy knowing that this nightmare is over. That I'm free, away from the threat. Yet I felt culpable. Maybe there could've been a better way to resolve this? I shook my head, annoyed at myself for circulating such conflicting feelings.

I stood there, both arms raised while my hands still grasped onto the gun. Beads of sweat slipped down my forehead as I regained awareness from a trance like state. Brian laid a few feet away from Logan, slumped back against the black willow tree, pressing against his fresh wound and coughing blood. No, he's not dead. Not yet at least. He was bleeding profusely; he'll probably pass out due to blood loss when the ambulance arrives.

Wait why am I thinking of transporting Brian to the hospital? Why didn't I just kill him? I could shoot him again, right at the center of his head, but I didn't. Why? It's simple actually. I don't want him dead. Death would be too merciful for him. I want him to endure the agony and suffering I've felt for so many months. I want him to realize his mistake. I want him to finally understand that I was never his and never will be. I hope prison admonishes him but knowing Brian, he'll never change. Well then, maybe whilst in prison he'll agonize each day that which he wishes to but will never ever have... again. Even death will turn away from him as grief, regret and anger slowly breaks him to the point where reality becomes real to him, clear of all fantasies. Then only will he finally realize the damage he has caused not only to me but everyone he knows. Then only will he meet his fate.

I let the gun slip from my hands to the dusty ground after I exhaled a breath, I didn't notice I held. I rushed over to Logan, gently placing his head on my lap. He seemed to be unconscious.

"Logan? No. No. Hey? Not now plea-"

He stirred on my lap before cheekily peeking an eye open and flashing a weak smile. I scrunched my brows at him as he shakily straightened his position. With trembling hands, he pulled my head towards his. We stared at each other as our foreheads touched.

"I must say... you've got an amazing aim" he remarked with a sigh.

"Well thank you. Now.... let's get out of here, shall we?" I suggested to which he nodded.

With a bit of mustered strength, I got Logan off the ground. With one arm firm around his waist, and the other grasping the arm he placed around my shoulder, I tried my best to shift forward carrying both our weight. We managed to take a few steps without tripping over or stumbling when a familiar voice sounded somewhere ahead of us. I recognized that voice and never had I thought I'd ever hear it again. We both glanced in the direction of the voice where Detective Quinn, Detective James and a handful of black uniformed officers were scattered and approaching from quite a distance away.

Thank the Lord! They found us! But how?

Both the detectives appeared pale and concerned. Just by their looks I knew something wasn't right, but what?

"Watch out!" Detective Quinn exclaimed running towards us while simultaneously retrieving his gun.

We halted in our tracks and just then we heard someone utter words quite rashly and intimidatingly. "If I can't have her, neither should you!!" Brian exclaimed loudly, prompting us to face him.

As soon as we turned towards him, Brian was a few centimetres away. He lurched forward towards Logan, brandishing a knife in his hand. Fear struck all my senses like a lightning bolt and for a moment everything seemed surreal.

I'm not letting Brian take anyone away from me again.

Everything occurred so swiftly.

Before the blade could make contact with Logan, I quickly pushed him away.

I gasped as the blade thrust into my stomach. I felt like a stranger to the pain, perplexed by the suddenness of everything. Almost paralyzed and immune to the feeling. I glanced down at my now bloody shirt, then at the knife and then at Brian, continuously. He appeared equally dazed and shocked by the whole scene. When our eyes met, that's when reality dawned us both. Brian instantly drew the knife out of me as if in an attempt to correct his mistake.

I choked for air as the pain settled in from the rough withdrawal, inducing me to stumble backwards onto the ground. The thought of death overwhelmed me. My head felt fuzzy when I saw three cloudy, blobby forms hovering me. They were uttering something but I couldn't register any of it. Someone's cold fingers gently cupped my face, prompting to slight consciousness. For that split moment when my senses felt vaguely responsiveness, I could see Logan, Detective James, and another female officer I didn't recognize; all uttering something. The detective was demanding someone to hurry to our position whilst the female officer applied pressure on my wound. Logan kept uttering the same words, "don't close those beautiful eyes of yours..."

Before my vision blurred furthermore, I mindlessly turned my head towards my left. Through much resistance, my heavy eyelids gained victory over my consciousness The last thing I saw was Brian pinned to the ground, being apprehended whilst his guilty gaze was fixated on me. As my mind captured that mental image, logan's words echoed through my ears: "You're gonna be ok, Tirzah.... you have to be...." 

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