Chapter 62

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Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

                                                                                                                       -Albert Einstein-

⁓Tirzah's POV⁓

Darkness. The void. The silence. The tranquility. The lush scope of nothingness is what I grew fond of. In this state there is no sort of interference nor clamor. I savored it. Better preferred over the overwhelming monsters and dangers in the outside world.

Slumber played a beacon to the darkness I embraced since majority of the time I would willing or inevitably be forced into unconsciousness. A sense of immunity was built against the whole 'forced to slumber' issue. There wasn't anything I could do. No control even over my own sleep. Sometimes as the darkness cuddled me, I'd smile, maybe even in my physical state also. I grew so fond of it that I didn't want to let go. It became my means of escape.

However, I guess every sweet thing lived is short lived. Sometimes the monsters you desperately try to escape from the outside can somehow slither its way in, infiltrating your mind and peace, replacing it with the fear and uncertainty you once felt in reality. Once the fear intensifies from the inside, surprise, surprise! you're pulled into reality, meeting the literal monster face to face.

Faint beeps rang in my ears as my eyes slowly fluttered open, greeted by bright white light that obscured my vision for a minute. Everything that seemed audible echoed in my ears. An unusual yet familiar chill nibbled my skin, urging goosebumps to crawl over my body.
It's as if time had frozen. My mind couldn't comprehend anything. All my senses seemed to operate at the times frozen pace.
Then all of sudden everything became vivid. It felt very odd and perplexing as I began feeling a change in atmosphere.

A sudden warm, gentle breeze swept past me, rather intentionally, sweeping the shivering chill into the unknown abyss. At first, every single thing appeared as a blur in my sight, prompting me to rub my eyes. It became quite apparent that I was in no ordinary room but because the entirety of the room was titanium white, it seemed evident that I laid in a hospital bed. A few dull paintings tried its best to entertain the room but proved futile.

Shifting myself to sit upright, I then glanced over my body. Uncertainty gripped a hold of my fingers, instinctively causing it to tremble. It's somewhat humorous to me that though I lay in a hospital bed yet I feel completely numb almost immune. Its either there is pain, but my senses are too preoccupied with mass perplexity and dysfunctionality, or my brains' pituitary glands are not producing endorphins. Whatever it is, I did not miss pains presence.

As I held that thought, I heard a gasp followed by hurrying footsteps approach me. A button behind me was pressed, before a pair of hands gently cupped my face.

My breath hitched as I fixated my gaze on Logan. His ruffled hair and tear-stained cheeks were all concealed away with his brightest smile that made my heart flutter.

"Wh-What hap-" I paused midway to try to clear my croaky voice. Logan instantly reached for the glass of water that sat awaiting by my bedside, gently bringing it to my lips.

As I gulped down its content, I couldn't stop but think; Is all this real? Did I really just awaken from a horrible nightmare? Was I really rescued? Why am I pondering the negative? Of course, I'm alive! And so is Logan! We survived... then what of Brian? Where is he now? Dead? In this hospital? What if he tries something again?

Logan seemed to sense my fear and slowly caressed my cheek.

"Everything is over now. I know you have a lot of questions but let's just ease it a little, ok? You just woke up and survived horror. Serves you right to relax a bit. As for Brian... he's here but don't worry he is heavily guarded and unconscious for now. Don't worry..." he reassured, gently placing a kiss on my forehead.

I'm safe. I thought I would never get that opportunity to say that again. I'm alive and secure, finally. What happened to mum and dad? Where is my family? What about the detectives? Why isn't anyone here?

Just as I was about to ask Logan where everyone else was, he took me by surprise and I became suddenly engulfed in his warm arms.

I don't why but everything seemed to perfect to be real. I shivered as a familiar chill filled the room. Is that my paranoia speaking or is it instinct? Or is my paranoia telling my instinct that something doesn't fit in. An inexplicable signal emitted from my body, a warning perhaps. A warning to what? Or should I say, who?

"I'll always keep you safe..... cupcake"

It's as if a light switch were flipped on and my once clouded, darkened mind became illuminated again. I pulled away as shards of this false world shattered, leaving Logan partly perplexed. The reality I actually hoped was too perfect to be legit, now I became sucked into the reality of my deepest dread and came face to face with the monster that seeped into my life. His eyes held a certain type of darkness that I've never seen in him except......

"Logan never calls me 'cupcake'..."

From that instant reality became uncertain and indistinguishable.  

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