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Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach as I grew more and more curious and anxious about tonight. I made sure to be the first to exit the school. As I walked to my car I sent message to Logan-

[Me:] Hey babe! Question, what should I wear? I need to dress for the occasion/destination you know?😉

Right after I sent the message my phone buzzed in my hand indicating a new message was sent. Obviously from Logan.

[Logan:] Look whose getting all hyped up! Just wear something comfortable my love! I know you're dying to know what I have planned, don't worry it'll be worth it! Oh and no messages nor calls to me until 8pm? See you soon sugarplum😘😘

I squealed in excitement but no calls nor messages? Ugh!
I opened my car door with one hand and threw my book bag inside but paused I caught something at the corner of my eye.

There was something on my wind shield...

I got closer to see a note which was on the verge of been blown away by the unsettled gale.The wind was getting more wild then ever. It looked like a storm was on it's way but highly unlikely. Surely it would rain heavily soon.

I picked the note up and read it's contents-
I can't wait for tonight my love. Change of plans, meet me at the abandoned amusement park at 6:00pm sharp. We'll be together, away from all the distractions... just you and me♡
Love you know who;)

My cheeks reddened from elation. Hold the phone! Logan just texted me and now this? Well, he didn't tell you where we were going so..... it's still a secret. What has he planned? I have to head home now in order to get dressed and leave before time...

As informed, I dressed in something comfortable. A red sleeveless chiffon blouse, blue wash jeans and black ankle high heel boots. I stuffed my phone and purse in my handbag while grabbing my keys off the night stand. I put on a crop denim jacket and locked my front door. I got into my car and put the key into the ignition. The engine roared to life. I checked the time-


Thirty minutes drive to the other side of town? I can do that. I drove to my destination while listening to Circles by Post Malone.

"Let go, I had a feeling it was time to let go..
I said so, I knew that this was doomed from the get-go....
You thought that it was special, special..."

I sang along to the song, the beat of the song booming in my car. My thoughts drifted to the 'surprise' Logan has in stock for me. What have you planned Logan Matthews? Why the abandoned amusement park? Whatever it is, it better not be your idea of 'our first time'. Curiosity grew stronger in me as I approached the place closer and closer.

By 6pm, I'd already reached and I'm glad I chose to wear a jacket cause it's chilly tonight. I looked up at the sky, clouds threatening to pour down any time now. The amusement park was even more creepier then I remembered.

Maybe because it's been desolate for years now and there appears to be no life at all.

Why here Logan? Out of the many places in this town, why here? Don't overthink it Yolanda! It may appear like a deserted, haunted park but it's Logan we're talking about! He wouldn't call you here unless he had big plans.. right?

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