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~Yolanda's POV~

"It all started with text messages. At first, I thought it was a prank by one of my friends or a junior confessing their feelings.... but later the texts became too menacing" I wiped away a stray tear that escaped my eye.

"He'd either compliment how I looked that day whether at home or school. He said stuff about me being his. He told me to break up with Logan... and if I told anybody... especially you guys then they'd be consequences.." my heart was pounding at the realization that he could be watching me now, that he could be plotting to hurt someone I love....

"Yolanda? Hello? You here?" Detective James asked. My head snapped in his direction. Please God don't let this psycho hurt anybody.

"I'm afraid.. th-that he'll hurt some-somebody" I managed to say as an unsettling feeling erupted in my stomach.

Logan sat closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know it's scary. You have to be strong if we want to catch this bastard, and soon enough he will. Then it'll all be normal again. You can do it sugarplum" Logan whispered in my ear, reassuring me. Surprisingly, he was right and his words built confidence in me.

I went on further to tell them about the phone calls. How he revealed that he had "taken care of Derek and Ryan", the delivery package at school, random notes, an exquisite yet expensive necklace left at my house, and finally all related incidents following my attempted kidnapping, twice. Now that I think about it, the signs were evident. Crystal clear. Yet I convinced myself that it was merely a pathetic prank. I'm so glad Max was there. I'm so grateful that Logan is here.

"Mmm... do you still have the notes?" Quinn questioned while looking at his notes.

"Uhhh I don't. But I have the messages on my phone, if that's of any use" I replied.

"That's even better! We can track the phone from which the messages were sent... unless this guy used a disposable phone or changes Sim cards" Quinn stated, this time looking up to meet my gaze.

"However.. there's no harm in checking huh?" Quinn continued.

"Ok... now about the attempted kidnapping and break in. Since there's a potential possibility that this guy may or may not have left some form of evidence, we will need to search your house. Can we go now?" James asked.

"Yes. The sonner the better" I replied rather quickly.

"Do you have your phone on you right now?" Quinn asked, as he wrote something in his notepad.

"Um.. no. The creep brought it but-"

"It's alright. If what you're stating is somehow linked with this case then it's not safe for you to stay there... at least not tonight" his words instantly left me frozen. Not safe? My home? My home isn't safe anymore?

"She'll be staying over at my place tonight " Logan said, his green orbs gazing at me in the most comforting way. I nodded at the two detectives as they waited for my confirmation.

Calling my parents now isn't good idea, cause knowing they'd drive all the way out here. I'll call them first thing in the morning.

"One last question then we can proceed to your house. Why kill Derek and Ryan West? How are you connected to them?" James questioned. I felt like someone had strangled the air out of me.

The one thing I dreaded to answer. I looked away, in an attempt to hide my stray tears. I shut my eyes, trying hard to block the images playing in my head.

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