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"You look even more beautiful with your hair loose"

Someone spoke from behind me, causing me to freeze in place. I didn't even dare to look in that direction, my mind trying to convince me that I'm imagining this but unfortunately I wasn't.

I heard footsteps approach me and halt behind me. I was literally shaking at this point.

I knew it was him, the guy who lured me to the amusement park. The Unknown who keeps sending me messages. The person who killed Derek and Ryan.

He moved my hair to one side and slowly snaked his arms around my waist, and this time he had a firm grip on me.
He leaned his head on my shoulder, delivering goose pimples all over my body. My nostrils refused to take in oxygen. Great.. You're hyperventilating. Just great!

I felt sorry for my heart, as it has to go through such traumatizing situations.

How did he get in? Why is that these people get easy access to a person's house?
It's not something to think about at this moment and yet I'm thinking about it.

He breathed in my hair and this time, he kissed my cheek tenderly. I shuddered at the weird contact.

"Your hair literally smells like roses darling. I'd breathe in your hair everyday if it supplied oxygen" he said with a chuckle before continuing, "Does that even make sense?" He chortled to himself.

As if anything about this situation is funny.

"You left your things back at the park so I brought it over. Hope you don't mind. Well, you left so suddenly that...", in one swift move he spun me around to face him before he continued,
"....that now we have to do everything the hard way. Do I have to do this the hard way, Yolanda? Or will you cooperate?" He asked menacingly.

I was looking down the whole time unable to face him, terrified to see him. He lifted my chin to face him. I was disappointed to see him wearing a black hoodie. His hoodie covered half his face, concealing most of his facial features but he didn't even try to hide his menacing smirk.

He towered over me. His built physique making me seem small and frail.
"I asked you something Yolanda!" he asked fully annoyed.

"I-I'll cooperate" I replied in a shaky voice, feeling defeated, but I won't give in that easy, not without a fight.

"Good girl!" He commented while stroking my hair.
"Now let's get out of here, shall we?" he said, deadpan.

He pulled me with him towards the back door. Time to act. I quickly grabbed a pan on the counter and swung it at him. I managed to get his head, causing him to loosen his grip on me. Without a second thought, I tried
yanking the door open.


Why the heck is it lock? How did he even get in? Unless... he has my set of keys or copies of my keys? Fudge! This can't be happening. Stop wasting time.. go for the front door! Now!

I ran out of the kitchen and was passing the living room when I was tackled to the ground. I outstretched my arms to brace myself from the fall but failed and instead fell head first to the floor. My vision blanked for a second before I regained consciousness.

I tried getting up, only to be lifted off the ground and thrown over his shoulder and onto the couch. It all happened so quickly that it left me in a daze.

I recovered from my dazed state after realising that he had positioned himself on top of me, locking my hips with his knees. He also had my hands pinned above my hand with one hand while the other massaged the spot where I hit him.

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