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"Wha... how do you know my name?" I asked as my heart rate picked up. I tried hard not to shiver in his embrace.

He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered huskily,
"I can never forget your amber eyes, Yolanda. Never"


~Yolanda's POV~

A sudden surge of panic swept through me upon hearing his words.

He seems so so familiar but with all this going on I can't even think straight!

"Yo dude! Get your hands off her" Lily hissed at him.

As if he was in a daze and suddenly brought back to reality, he freed me from his embrace.

"What's your deal huh? You don't go hugging people you just met!" Blake spat, irritation dripping from her words.

He smirked and his light blue eyes lit up as he gazed at me again then at the girls.

"What makes you think we haven't met before?" He deadpanned while crossing his arms over his chest.

Lily scoffed at his reply. What is he talking about? I haven't met him!

Before Lily could continue interrogating him, the door opened revealing Logan and a tired Iva. Her face immediately lit up upon looking at the guy. Logan had placed our beverages on the table and walked over to stand behind me. His nose was scrunched which was something he always did when suspicious or puzzled about something.

"Oh dear. You didn't have to come-" Iva spoke in a cracked voice as she slowly walked towards the guy. We all stood staring at the scene before us. Maybe a family friend?
Iva turned to face us, a weak smile plastered on her face.

"He's the one who found Sandra...... and called in the ambulance " she informed informed, nodding towards the guy.

Her gaze landed on me this time. She scanned our faces.

"You don't remember him?" She asked in a slightly playful tone. I guess the expression on our faces gave it away. We nodded simultaneously. She turned to face him again.

"Bryce. Bryce Malloy" he stood up to introduce himself, extending his hand towards me. As if he hasn't been touchy enough....

My breath hitched upon hearing his name. No way. Bryce? Memories of him flooded in my brain. I can't go through that again, Or is it going to worse?

~ Logan's POV~

I instantly tensed after hearing his name. I knew there was something familiar and odd about him.

He extended his hand towards Yolanda who seemed to be lost in thought herself.

I reached out and took his hand instead, shaking his hand in a firm grip. Our eyes locked. Mine was flaring with pure hatred and rage while his eyes read one thing, malice.

I pulled Yolanda behind me to which she did not hesitate. She knew I was flaring up so she held my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I glanced at her adorable face. Damn... every time I look at her, I realize each time how lucky I am and how much I adore her. Her innocent, confused eyes made both my heart melt and anger subside.

I shifted my gaze towards Bryce and forced a smile.
"Good to see you.. Logan and Yolanda. Oh and not forgetting Blake and Lily" Bryce greeted, showcasing his pearly whites.

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