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I jolted up from bed, both frustrated and annoyed of "Oversleeping".

My phone vibrated on the nightstand. I unlocked it to see a new message from Blake, my childhood and best friend.

[Blake:] Hey girl! We're all here waiting for ya. Where are you? If you don't come in the next fifteen minutes I'll personally come over and drag you out of bed because I sure damn know that you woke up late and plus the "time bomb" can explode at any time now! I'm currently stalling to buy ya some time😉. So get here now!!!

After reading the heads-up( a.k.a. warning) I took a cold, quick shower before hurrying back to my room. Opening my chocolate coloured wardrobe, I fished through it's content and finally decided to go with a army green, short sleeve, high waist romper and black combat boots to go with it.

I took a quick glance at my attire before messing with my dark brown hair, styling it into a high ponytail leaving a few strands to fall at the side of my face.

Quickly grabbing my phone , black side purse and keys , I ran downstairs and out the door. Quickly backing up from my driveway I sent a message to Blake-

[Me:] I'm on my way. Keep stalling will ya😘

And with that sent I drove to our meeting place, (on of our hang out areas )while listening to one of my faves;
Clarity- by Zedd,Foxes.


I rushed into the breakfast cafe after parking the car. I searched for familiar faces and spotted them on the other side of the cafe. My three buddies, Blake, my bestie, Lily( the time bomb) and Sandra( the optimist).

I approached them with a grin on my face. Their heads shot towards me as soon as I took my seat.

"Where the hell were you? I swear if you came two.. no one minute later, I'd personally come over to your house and shout all the curses inhabiting my brain until you get outta bed and your neighbours complain. And trust me when I say this, I'll pin the screaming on you!" , Lily said smirking at me. Her baby blue eyes filled with anger and annoyance.

"I... I'm sorry?" That came out as a question than a apology.

"Oh cut the cra-"

"Ok that's enough Lily!" Blake said cutting Lily off .

" Let's not forget when you came what? Two hours late!! And yet we waited for you and...." She trailed off while massaging her chin.

"..I don't recall any apologies from you? So chill time bomb!" She chuckled knowing she defeated her. I couldn't help but to also chuckle.

"Yeah... whatever!" She looked away , crossing her arms over her chest.

Blake and I exchanged a smile before turning to Sandra who was full on smiling, maybe because of what happened. We placed our order and chatted a bit to enlighten the mood.


I grabbed my tummy. Yep I'm starving. My thoughts drifted to the horrifying nightmare that I had. The guy with the knife. I don't usually get spooked especially when watching a thriller or horror movie but I think it's the after math that matters. And as if on cue our order arrived. I ordered an omelette with toast and a vanilla latte.

Enjoying my meal I didn't realize Sandra was staring at me as if she was expecting a reply. Crab! Did she ask me something?

"Um.. sorry. Kinda got distracted." I said pointing at the deliciousness in front of me before continuing
"You were saying?"

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