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~Yolanda's POV~

A damp and almost musty scent engulfed the inky room. The downpour commenced once again. The heavy showers are quite satisfying to listen to as one lays in bed without a single strand of worry in the entire universe. Just listening to the rain, blocking out the sudden thunder claps; the one of nature and the of one's life.

This granted me peace after such an agonizing experience. My mind reminisced the days when I would lay in bed on days like these with my entire family including Max, all pacifying one another with warmth and basking in each other's company. 

My eyes flew open as I sat up to rest against the headboard. I longed to see my family, my friends and Logan. Our final year together and it took such a crazy turn.

Who would've thought? I certainly didn't.

Chances of escaping have grown thin and weary. Now even if I manage to escape, he can track me! Can things get any worse? I sighed in exhaustion with my head slumped. My brows furrowed as my flabbergasted eyes fixated at my nude body. 

Where are my clothes!? 

I enveloped myself in the duvet expeditiously, both anxious and perplexed at my current state. As much as I hate to believe it, Brian discarded my clothes, obviously when I was knocked out.

Why? Because you were worried I would catch a cold? Well wouldn't that be lovely! How dare he touch me! Who gave him the authorization to just remove my outfit!? Well.... quite frankly I wasn't stark naked. He left the lingerie untouched. Phew.... But still! He should have left me that way.

I bit my lip in extreme wrath and it wasn't long before metallic fluid seeped into my mouth. Ignoring the sting, I stomped into the walk in closet and slipped into a plain black blouse and grey baggy pants. I didn't give a care in the world right now but to make Brian pay. Now that I think of it again Brian has changed the course of my life, hoping to forcefully make me love him. I loathe him. Not only because of what he did a while ago but for every distinguished incident.

The more I reviewed his absurd and preposterous steps, the more fuel fed the flame burning in me. This flame won't cease til it receives justice. It won't be quenched until Brian is eliminated. I don't know if it was the unexpected courage or fear of the prospect that no one will rescue me unless I make a stand. No weakness. No fear. I was certain of my succeeding move, I'm ending Brian once and for all.

I conjectured that the drawers would be secured but fortunately for me, they weren't. Why? The kitchen drawers were always locked. What disappointed me the most was that my effortless search for the hair pins to pick the lock proved futile.

My eyes traced over the array of knives before my slender fingers clasped around the handle of the chef's knife. A faint grunt screwed me into place. I scanned the area and he wasn't insight.

Am I  hallucinating? Am I beginning to lose my sanity?

Just as I questioned my sanity, groaning echoed through the house.

Good to know I haven't lost it..... so what— or should I said who was that? Brian? 

The pain stricken grunts and groaning intensified as I listened intently, sneaking my way down to end of the hallway. My intriguing investigation was brought to a halt as I stood before a door from which the unusual sounds originated. I nearly jumped out of my skin when an angered growl sounded from the room. However, that didn't confuse me but that someone else was in the room.

A fierce conversation fumed in the room between the two individuals. I pressed my ear on the door in an attempt to better make out their topic of interaction but it proved futile.

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