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"Adiós amigas!" I exclaimed as they got into Caleb's car. A head stuck out of the passenger window to reveal Caleb , with a friendly smile plastered on his face. He waved with both hands and shouted a 'good night' before his head disappeared and they drove off to their homes.

I sighed once I got inside my quiet house but I wasn't that lonely right? I had Max! Maybe I should call over my aunt next door to stay with me for a while... but I can't! She's gone on tour with her new boyfriend to Venice. I groaned in annoyance.
Max it is then!

I ran to my room to find a snoozing Max. Its chest heaved up and down, it's luxurious gold fur almost appeared to be shining.

I decided to take a quick shower before I hit the hay. I stripped off my clothing and let the warm water sooth my tensed body. My mind drifted to the conversation I had with my girlfriends. What Blake said about the note in Derek's throat sent me shaking uncontrollably. Who is this person? Why are they messing with me? Maybe Lily's right. Maybe it's a prank and maybe this prank and the recent murder aren't connected. I scrubbed my hair with shampoo and washed myself down.

Cool air hit my skin when I exited the shower. The once warm and now cold droplets of water fell from my hair. I put on a bra and pantie before entering my room. I quickly slipped on a tee and shorts and fell on my soft bed. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep my phone rang. I huffed in annoyance before grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

I looked at the ID. Unknown number.
I shivered at the sight of this. The call ended and soon a new message was sent.
I hesitated at first but read the message anyways.

[Unknown:] Answer your phone darling or else....

I frowned at those words. This person thinks they can just boss my around! Well think again cause I'm not answering your damn call!

I replied to the message-
[Me:] I won't and you can't make me...  what are you gonna do about it??

I felt a bit bolder my sending that  message but that boldness turned to terror when I read the next message.

[Unknown:] Answer the phone or else I will pay a visit to your  friend, Lily, who is currently alone at home, and I don't think you want to be the cause of another killing, do you?

Fear, anger and defeat mingled inside me as I read those words. My worst suspicion came true, this Unknown really is the killer. "Why the hell does he want to talk to you? Maybe you're next on his kill list? Why me? Do I deserve this?",
My brain told me making my breathing accelerate and heart beat faster. I almost fell out of bed when my phone rang. I looked at the ID. Unknown number.

I managed to calm myself down a bit before answering the call. If this is (who probably is) the killer then I can't afford to my friend's life in jeopardy because of my selfishness and stubbornness.

Five minutes had passed and neither I nor did the caller say a thing. I only heard his heavy breathing. My heart was pounding faster now. I feared that I might faint or have a panic attack. I swear I could hear my heart racing and I bet the caller could hear it too.

"Hello Yolanda", his deep intimidating yet familiar voice made me shiver a bit.

I couldn't speak. It's like my vocal cords gave up on me. Fear had me wrapped around its hold. I can't talk to this person who apparently claims to be a murderer! What should I do? What should I do?

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