The New, New Deal.

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Hope's POV

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Hope's POV

I slowly wake up, in an unfamiliar setting, causing me to quickly jolt up. But, then I remembered, I'm at the Lockwood house. With Dad. At that I smile, before slowly getting out of bed.

Oh, shit... I'm still human... damn 24 hours...

I just roll my eyes, hating the Saltzman twins at the minute, and I walk downstairs, smile on my face. I find Dad ordering his hybrids around, obviously mad about something.

"Dad? What happened?" I ask, worried.

"Stefan Salvatore happened. He has them all."

"Them all?"

"Oh, right. Sorry Hope, sometimes I forget your new to this family... My siblings. Stefan Salvatore grabbed their coffins." Dad tells me, as a hybrid comes up to him. I think his name was Joseph?

"You called sir?" He says, before I can say anything to the family issue.

"Please stay with Hope while she goes to school. Make sure nothing happens to her." Dad says, smiling at me.


"No if, ands, or buts about it." Dad says, giving me a look. I just roll my eyes.

"Keep your distance." I warn the hybrid.

"Speaking of school, you need to change. And, our family only looks the best. Upstairs in one of the guest rooms is a bunch of outfits. Take you pick. And, I'm sorry, but I must be off. Have Salvatores to end. I should invite Bex. Nice family outing." Dad says, kissing my forehead. "Have a good day sweetheart."

"Bye Dad." I say, right before he vamp speeds away. "I can go change without you watching me, right?" I ask the hybrid sarcastically, as his cheeks just turn red. I turn around and head upstairs to change.

Lizzie's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask Aunt Bonnie as we walk into an old abandoned house.

"Yes. I want to find out what my dreams mean. Thanks for coming with me Liz." She tells me, smiling. We walk through the front door, me wincing as some of the floorboards creak. We stay as silent as possible, as we search the house.

We hear whispers as we go, the whispers leading us to a door. Which leads to a stair way. We both slowly go down them, and judging by the look on Aunt Bonnie's face, found the room from her dreams. We look around, seeing nothing, but feeling something.

"Hello, Bonnie. Lizzie." We hear Stefan-Fucking-Salvatore say from behind us.

"Stefan." Aunt Bonnie says.

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