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Hadrian's POV:

I was rudely woken up at 8 am this morning by Dray pulling my warm cocoon of blanket off me, hitting me with cold air. Once I had sat up and turned to glare at him, I was met with a cheeky smirk on his perfect face. How dare he. He woke me up early and gave me that look.

As I was about to turn back around and lie down, Draco came up to me and picked me up off my nest of blankets and pillows. Without a word, he left the room, me still sat in his arms, and headed downstairs. The closer we got to he stairs, the more noticeable the sound of voices became. There was defiantly more then just Draco and my family here, but I couldn't figure out why. Tat is until we got to the lounge and I noticed all the presents under the massive tree Cissy had gotten to decorate. Christmas had come and I was awoken early for it.

Don't get me wrong, I was excited to experience my first proper Christmas with people who cared for me, but I was anything but an early bird. I hated getting up early, unless I had to. While I was stuck in my thoughts, Draco had moved around the group of people gathered here for the celebration, and sat down with me in his lap. Only after his arm snaked their way around my waist did I notice we were now sat in the seat we had claimed as ours over the summer break. As everyone was still talking, I curled up and drifted back off to sleep, waiting for everyone to sit down and move on.

--------Time skip--------

I was shaken awake around 20 minutes later by Draco, whispering that everyone had finally decided to sit down after noticing all were present. I uncurled myself from Draco's chest to find multiple pairs of eyes watching us. Not creepy, nope, not at all (Note the sarcasm in my voice). I turned my body fully around to face everyone, noticing most were dressed in casual clothes with only 4 of us still in or PJ's.

My father moved towards the tree, greeting everyone and thanking them all for coming here to celebrate with us. His speech final came to an end and presents were given. The once clean and rubbish free lounge was now covered in a see of festively fancy wrapping paper, mainly in shades of green, thrown everywhere.

I wasn't expecting to receive so many gifts as I usually only got what Dudley had broken or didn't want, which was usually very little. So when I received a mass of beautiful gifts, my face showed a look of obvious surprise. I had received one off everyone and multiple off my parents and Dray. I had received more books and clothes, but what shocked me where the unusual gifts, such as the dagger Bella had gotten me. it was engraved with a snake and had a variety of different sized Jade gems intertwined with the design.  From the twins, who I was surprised where here, I had received a large amount of cherry flavoured sweets, which I loved and was grateful for , plus shocked they actually knew I enjoyed cherry sweets.

However the gifts from my parents and Draco nearly made me cry. They had all got me a pile of presents ranging in different sizes. My parents had got me an art set, along with food for my two familiars and a lot of snake designed jewellery. Draco on the other hand, had gotten me a massive black and green plush of a dragon, with a range of personalised hoodies. Other things were involved, but my favourite gift by far was the promise ring Draco had made for me. I had a dragon and snake intertwined together encircling a beautiful ruby.

Whispering in my ear, Draco said 3 words, 3 simple words that made amplified my love for him tenfold. 'You are Mine.' This was proof, proof that I finally had a family, proof that I had people who loved and cared for me. I didn't need anyone else at that moment. I just needed my famiy and friends.

----Time Skip-----

The day had gone by quickly after all he gifts were given. We had eaten an amazing Christmas dinner cooked and prepared by the house elves, who had also enjoyed their own dinner. Games were played and everyone had a great time.

I was now heading up to bed with Draco in order to feed Ren and Rogue, and then hope into bed to sleep. I was tired after the day I had and being woken up early. Ren an Rogue both chirped happily at the sight of their food, which involved some of the left over pigs in blankets we had for dinner.

It was now closing in on half 11 and I was finally dressed in my PJs waiting for my Dray to come out of the bathroom to cuddle with me, seen as we got used to sleeping next to each other. Draco finally exited the bathroom, with slightly wet hair, indicating he had had a shower while I was playing and feeding with my familiars. He climbed into bed ad immediately engulfed me with his warm arms, lying me down on his chest, allowing me to listen to the calming beats of his heartbeat, lulling me into a relaxed sleep.


authors note:

I would fist like to apologise for my lack of updating once again. my mind has not been in the best place recently and with college and other things in my life being hectic at the moment, I haven't had the time nor motivation to write. As of this moment, I have a lot of work I have had to catch up on and I have been sick this past week. Updates will be coming out when I have the time to write, which will hopefully become more constant as I finish the assignments I am behind on.   

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