Issues with the Trio

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Hadrian's POV:

After Christmas break, we returned to Hogwarts, much to my hatred. I would rather be at home, with my family, then stuck in this school, forced to suffer the annoying trio and Dumbledick. It had been a few weeks since the school term had started again, and thankfully, not much had occurred. 

However, upon arriving at the great hall today for tea, my luck had run out. I was just sitting down having a conversation about potions with Draco, when I was pulled from behind by a ginger waste of DNA. He turned me to look at him and surprise surprise, he wasn't alone. I couldn't be arsed with this, but due to the fact Weasley hadn't removed his hand from my shoulder, I was stuck looking in their direction. The conversation with Draco had been ended, and now he was glaring at the trio, with a look that if it could kill, Weasley would be 6 feet under. "What do you want Weasley?" Draco asked before I could, which was probably for the best as I would have definitely hexed the shit out of him for touching me. "All we wanna know is what this bitch thinks he has that he doesn't respect us?" the ginger slut answered with as much sas as she could possible muster. I had calmed down enough to control my actions before responding "just because I could care less about you and your want to be 'the best', doesn't mean we all have to coddle you and follow your every order. As you have seen, I care about you as much as I would about a dead rat. No, in fact, a dead rat would receive more respect from me. Grow up and leave me the fuck alone. Go live your fake fantasy alone.". After those words left my mouth, I grabbed his arm off me and shoved Weasley away before turning back to my plate of now cold food.

"You can't ignore me, I'm Harry Potter's best friend. I deserve respect and I will have it. No one cares about you Riddle and no one ever will. While I become famous, you will rot away into nothing alone. You hear me, N O T H I N G." Weasley said trying to scare me. People had now began noticing the commotion occurring before them. I was unfazed by his words but unfortunately Draco wasn't. Grabbing his hand, running my thumbs against it,  I answered with two simple words, that seemed to piss Weasley off the most, " You're wrong." Even without looking at him, I could fell the glare he was sending me, " What was that?" he all but snarled at me. 

"I said you're wrong, are you deaf? I have people with me, people I love and people who love and support me. Surprisingly, I also have a loving boyfriend and mate, friends that know the real me. And finally, I have a reason to live, with a real personality. Not that fake shit you use to try and one up everyone. Harry Potter is gone. No one, not even Dumbledore, knows where he's gone. So grow up and move on." Before Weasel could say anything else, McGonagall came and told the trio to move along and leave us alone, otherwise they would be serving detention. 

They moved along, but not before hurling another glare towards my way. Once they had left, I faced Draco and finally calmed him down fully. No longer hungry, Dray and I left the hall and went to the common room, were we studied til our friends returned. Spending the rest of the night socializing, the confrontation between the annoying trio was pushed to the back of my mind, and was instead replaced by the good memories being created with those who knew the real me. 11 hit and we all went to our rooms, to sleep as we had lessons in the morning. 

Falling asleep in Drays arms secured my thoughts and feelings about those I love. I didn't have no one, I had everyone I ever needed supporting me and providing me the home I missed out on for 15 years. Nothing could change that.     

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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