New Friends

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Hadrian's POV:

I followed the pull through the shop, dodging anyone in my path. The further I went into the shop, the more comforting the pull felt. I stopped walking when I reached a door that as labelled with a sign saying 'STAFF ONLY'. Well that's not useful, I needed to know what this pull was. I motioned for the owner to come over, and as he was walking closer to me, in noticed the annoyance on his face. This is gonna end badly.

Once he was next to me he motioned me to speak, so I did. I told him about the pull and how I followed it to this door, followed by m asking what was behind the door. All I got in response was a grunt followed by him opening the door. He motioned for me to follow him, which I did.

After entering the door, my senses were overwhelmed with the comforting magic I felt before. I looked at the owner asking for permission and he nodded in conformation. I walked on following the magic, until it led me too a cage. Upon nearing the cage I noticed the hissing and heat coming from within it. I spoke in parsaltounge asking who was there. when I received two responses, I told them I was opening the cage.

Opening the cage was nerve wrecking as I didn't know what would happen. As soon as the cage door was open, I was overcome with magic. It was warming. The animals within the cage sensed the magic power. After the shock wore off, I looked at the animals within the cage. They were beautiful. Within the cage, there was a beautiful red and black dragon, and a sake with patches of blue, turquoise and black covering the body.    

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As soon as our eyes met, we felt a bond being formed

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As soon as our eyes met, we felt a bond being formed. It was comforting and felt as though it belonged. Once the owner noticed what was happening, he rushed forwards. At my look of confusion, he explained that they were my familiars and that they were basically a soul animal that would aid me. At this new information, I smiled and felt new presences within my mind. I knew this was the presence of my familiars.

After a short conversation with the owner, I turned to the reptiles and spoke, asking for their names. The response I got was shocking. I had to name them to complete the bond. I contemplated names for about 5  minutes before coming to the conclusion the snake, who was male would be named Ren, and the dragon, who was female would be named Rogue. They were both happy with their names and the bond was completed.

The owner returned with papers and asked me to sign them, which was easy enough to do. I asked if I could hide my familiars so no one could harm them, and I was told they could be moved to a soul dimension, which would help heal, feed and hide my familiars from any unwanted people. However, when doing this, a mark would appear on my skin in place, bigger then the one already there. At this news, my eyes widened, a mark on my skin. He described it as a tattoo like mark, that would change as the animal developed. This intrigued me greatly, I would have to read up on it.

~Time Skip~

I had Ren and Rogue in the soul world and had paid for the both. Surprisingly they weren't as expensive as I thought they would be. I had asked for the owners name, in which I had found out to be George. I thanked him and left, to find my family still outside conversing.

I stood next to them waiting to be noticed, and was like that for 10 minutes. It was Draco who noticed me first and he asked me where I was and what I was doing. This would be a fun explanation...


Authors note:

another update in one day, as an apology for my lack of updates. Sorry for any mistakes present and I hope you enjoy the chapter, if not sorry.

the tattoo on Hadrian:

the tattoo on Hadrian:

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