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After an emotional reunion, Hadrian and his family finished off with Griphook and Hadrian's vaults. The family left the bank and decided that a day in Diagon Alley. With the money taken out, Hadrian and his family ventured out to the busy streets.

Hadrian's POV:

The first store we went to was Ollivander's as my wand would no longer work for my magic. as soon as we entered the shop, we heard the voice of Ollivander from the back room, greeting us into his shop.  walking further into the dark, torch lit room, the old man came into view.

After a short exchange of words, we started testing out wands, none of which worked with my magic core's power level.  Ollivander requested my presence in a back room, one full of different containers. each container contained some sort of wand material.

~Time skip brought by my writers block~

Exchanging my old wand for my new wand, we left the shop. My new wand was made from acacia wood, with a dragon heartstring and phoenix feather core. When making my wand, Ollivander explained that this wand was a very powerful wand and that it would perform strong spells. This intrigued me, I always thought that I couldn't perform strong spells, but I guess that view was based off of lies I was told.

While I was stuck in my thoughts, I didn't notice the large group of arguing gingers. I only snapped out of my thoughts at the screech of a wannabe owl. I had accidently walked into the mother hen of the bumbling buffoons, Molly Weasley Upon noticing the woman I used to see as a mother. The look on her face was one of disgust once she laid her eyes on me. I couldn't bare to look her in the eyes, which she saw as a sign of disrespect, as she started screaming at me for.  

It took about 5 minutes for the bitch to shut up, my ears ringing in pain from her high pitched voice. Once she shut her trap, I looked up, glaring at her. I couldn't be bothered dealing with her and her babbling bunch of bumble heads. I just continued glaring until my family noticed I wasn't moving. I Noticed them, motioned for them to continue hinting that I would follow in a minute. I just turned back to the Weasleys, still glaring, scoffed and went to walk away. I was stopped by a pair of hands on my shoulder. feeling uncomfortable, I shock the hands off me and spoke in a dark voice, 'You're not royalty, you don't run the world. Learn to respect others and you may receive it, you fucking bunch of blood traitors.'

Walking away in the direction my family did, I heard a bunch of offended children having a tantrum, really what was their problem. I bumped into my family outside the pet shop. They were conversing about something I didn't really pay attention to, I was way to distracted by the pull I felt. It was comforting and calling out to me. I signalled my mother and motioned to the shop, indicating I was going in. After getting a nod of acknowledgment, I entered, following the pull.


Authors note:

sorry for the late update, I have been suffering from a sinus infection, which has caused me to be stuck in bed for a few days. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'm sorry for any mistakes or offense that may be taken.     

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